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My Dad sits in the front seat and ruffles his hair and slams his door.

"Sam I told you to stay here! If you stayed here you wouldn't have seen that!"

"Well I did Dad and I saw my best friend get shot! So for once in your life can you be a father!"

Theo tenses next to me and runs his hands threw my hair. "Okay calm down everything is going to be okay."

"And you! How do you know everything is going to be okay?! How do you know this was for nothing and I might end up dead anyway?!"

"I don't know Sam but I will do everything I can to protect you." Theo says in a soothing voice.

I shake my head. "How can you be so calm in a time like this?! Sarah just died!"

"I know Sam and it's hard believe me but we have to keep cool heads."

"I just want them in jail or dead right now I don't care which one."

"That's what we are trying to do but we have to think things through before we act."

"Theo the agency called me once they caught wind of the killings around here and they want us to move and go under witness protection." My Dad says juggling his phone in his hands.

"So what are we going to do?"

"They want us to come into the office and they are going to tell us the plan."

"So what do you guys just move on after someone dies?"

My Dad's lips tighten and he turns to look at me. "Listen Sam in this business you can't involve your emotions or you end up dead and the last thing we want is another person dead. So we have to think with out heads not with emotions."

"Fine since we're going to act like Sarah didn't die then I guess I can go back to acting like you were never alive." I look out the window and I can feel Theo inching closer to me before I push him away.

After a painfully quiet ride to the agency we all get out and I rush over to my mom with tears falling from my eyes.

"Honey are you okay?"

I shake my head and she pulls me into her arms. "Mom she's gone." I sob into her shoulder.

She runs her hands down my hair and whispers into my ear.

Theo walks over and he plays with his hands in an awkwardly manner. "I'm sorry to interrupt but we have to go in and get the plans before anyone finds out we are here."

My mom nods and walks me into the building.

A man in a grey suit welcomes us with a stern face that looks like he hasn't smiled in ages. "Hello I'm glad you made it in the time you did I have a meeting in about an hour and I have to prepare. So let's make this quick. Sam and Theo will be going with a cover family who will be Sam's parents and Theo will be a teenage boy they brought in after his parents died in a horrible car crash..."

"Wait you're taking me away from my mom?!"

"Your mother can come visit but not frequently or else someone may see her and catch wind of where you are staying."

"So where will my mom be?"

"She will be a town over and she will be working as a waitress. A low profile and perfect for your mother as for these two they will be put on a different job something they will never think we would put them on. Sound good?"

"Yes that's fine." My Dad answers before anyone else can respond.

"Great now if you will all excuse me I will be getting Theo and Sam's rides ready." The man walks off and I wait until he turns the corner to turn back to the door.

My Dad pulls out my bags and my mom takes the bag rolling it over to me.

"Honey I'm going to call you everyday and visit as much as I can."

"I'm gonna miss you mom you're the only parent I've had that's been here the whole time."

My Mom starts crying and she places my hair behind my ear. "I love you Sam and I'm going to come running to you once this whole thing is over."

"I love you too mom." She kisses my forehead and holds me at arms length.

"Be safe okay Sam?"

"Okay mom."

We share one last hug before a car pulls up and a man gets out with a welcoming smile.

"Hi I'm here to take Theo and Sam."

"Oh yes." My mom lets go of me and my Dad takes my bag and puts it in the trunk.

I follow Theo over to the car and my Dad walks over to me.

"I'm sorry Sam. For everything."

I look away from him, "Well it's a little late for that isn't it." I climb into the car and Theo slides in next to me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I cuddle up closer to Theo and he wraps me in his arms.

The man returns to the front seat after exchanging a few words with my parents. "So I'm sure you've been told the major details."


"Great so I get to get down to the juicy stuff. Can you grab the folders I've placed on the side of the door?"

We both reach for one and it's titled secret services.

"In that folder it holds all of your new information and the school you will be attending. I will be known as Sam's father and Theo will be known as an orphan we took in."

"Gee I get the best parts don't I?" Theo smiles down at the folder and shakes his head.

"Well I've been notified you two have romantic feelings for each other and..."

"No we don't. We're just friends." I say cutting him off.

"Whatever you say. Anyway the woman that will be known as your mother is at the house right now prepping. Are there any questions?"

"Would you like us to keep low profiles at the school also?"

"Yes of course. That means not being posted on social media or on any of your friends pages. Is that all?"

"Yes that's all for me."

"I know the run down so I think I'm good." Theo responds in a cocky manner.

I'm going to miss my mom and I'm currently in a car with a complete stranger. Not to mention my best friend was just shot and killed only hours before.

"Well great this should be fun then."

Fun is not the word I would use for this.


Okay so this is the last chapter of this book and I'm super happy and super sad at the same time. This is my first complete book and I hope it doesn't show. So please tell me what you thought about this book because I'm going to start working on the next one over the summer. I'm planning on posting the first chapter of the second book sometime during the beginning of August but depending on how many reads and comments I get on this book before then I may start posting before August even comes. When I first release it I plan on posting twice a week but that may change I'll let you know in the first chapter I post. As always I love you guys and thank you for all the support I've been getting through messages or through comments while writing this book I am forever grateful to everyone who has supported me as always I love you guys<3

Don't forget to


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