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"Are you stalking me?" I raise a eyebrow at Sean and his smile gets even bigger if that's possible.

"No I just say you sitting over here from the other side of the lake and wanted to come say hi." He hops over the bench and slides closer to me.

"Please I'd like to be alone, I'm not in the mood."

Sean's smile fades and he looks at me so hard it feels like he's looking through me. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't think you would care."

"Why would you think that?"

"Well for one you're always care free seems like you don't want to hear anyone's problems."

His smile comes back a little but soon fades again. "I like that you think of me as care free but I'm anything but." His black hair flies in front of his face almost covering his whole face.

"Ugh I hate you guys! All of your secrets!" I get up and pace in front of him and his smile returns as he watches me. "Why can't you just tell me about yourself like I tell you about myself!"

Sean's smile turns into a smirk, "I'm sure you have your secrets too. Ours are just bigger."

"That's not the point! You guys give me hints but can't tell me the full truth!" I look at Sean to see him enjoying himself. "Why am I even telling you any of this you don't  care." I sit back down on the bench and place my head in my hands.

I feel Sean's arm pull me closer to him and for some reason I find comfort in him doing so. "I'm sorry Sam I shouldn't be enjoying your frustration. I understand why you're so upset but you're yet to tell me who this is all about." He clicks his tongue and his face becomes brighter. "Wait don't tell me. Is it about Theo."

I nod my head and look back onto the lake."

"That dude has so many secrets I don't think he can even keep up with them. But lucky for you I know most of them."

I perk up and look at him. "Like what?"

"I don't know depends on what you want to know. I'm not just gonna go around and tell all his business."

"I just want to know what he does to get all that money."

"Yea I can't tell you that one sorry."

"Why not?!"

"It's not my place to say and I don't think you should get caught up in what he does."

"This doesn't make any sense if he doesn't sell drugs then why can't you tell me?!"

"Because once you find out you're going to wish he sold drugs."

I furrow my brows and push him away from me. "You're not helping so you can go now."

He places his hand over his chest, "I feel so used right now." He slides back over and looks out over the lake. "How about we start off with something a little easier than that?"

"Like what there really isn't anything else I'm curious about."

"Well did you know me and him use to be really close?"

"I don't want to hear your sad friendship story." I get up to leave but he grabs me but my wrist.

"Trust me you're going to want to hear this." I turn around to see Sean's face is serious, I sit back down but don't look at him. "I found out he was using me so I dropped him as a friend. We still did business together but that was all."

"What was he using you for?"

"My money." He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights one. "That's the thing about being rich you don't know who your friends are."

"But I still don't understand, why was he using you if he has all this money?"

"This was before he had all that money, that's why I was friends with him. He wasn't a snobby rich boy who got any and everything they asked for. He was realistic and down to earth, he still is. But one day I found out he was taking money from me, I wasn't sure why but I did know I couldn't trust him anymore." He takes a long drag from the cigarette.

"So when did he start this job that he has now?"

Sean blows out the smoke and looks at me. "About two days after I dropped him as a friend. A dude I know that's bad news offered him a job that will pay him good and he took it. Sometimes I wish I never stopped being friend with him. I mean I'm filthy rich, I don't even want the money I should've just let him take the money. It's not like I would've noticed.

"It's not your fault it's his. He came up with the great idea to accept the stupid offer." I shake my head and look at Sean and I can see the guilt in his eyes.

"No I was his only friend at the time and I left him alone. I shouldn't have done that, I mean yea he stole from me but I should've asked him what was going on. He never treated me like his rich friend he always treated me like a normal person."

"I honestly don't see how he put up with you for so long." I joke and Sean smiles.

"I don't either I was an asshole."

"You mean are?"

Sean looks at me and smiles. "You know Sam I'm not mad I kissed you at the party."

I give him a strange look and furrow my brows. "Why the change of subject?"

"I looked at your lips."

My breath catches in my throat at his words. "Sean I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. I just thought you should know." He looks back at the pond and pushes his hair out of his face for the first time since we started talking.

Do I have feelings for him too?

Sam Dying RoseWhere stories live. Discover now