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"Mrs.Owens it's so good to see you again." I smile but she doesn't return it

"Zaria why don't you go and get cleaned up for dinner."

She nods her head and disappears up the stairs.

"And who is this you've brought with you?"

"Oh uh this is my friend Theo I hope you don't mind it was last minute."

"I don't think I made enough for unexpected guest."

"I'm not eating." Theo butts in and rolls his eyes.

"Well the food will be ready soon." She disappears into the kitchen and we stand in the foyer looking stupid.

Mr.Owens walks down the stairs whistling and holding a newspaper in his hands. "Sam is that you?"

I smile and joy over takes me. I've always been closer to Mr.Owens he spent more time with us and was always kind. "Yep it's me."

"It's so good to see you! I'm glad my wife agreed to you coming over for dinner." He notices Theo standing behind me and nods towards him. "And who is this young man?"

"Oh this is my friend Theo."

"Well nice to meet you Theo." Mr.Owens extends his hand and Theo shakes it with his own.

"Nice to meet you too sir."

"Well don't just stand there make yourselves at home I'll be right back I'm just going to help my wife in the kitchen."

"Okay." We make out way into the family room and Theo flops down on the couch.

"I like Mr.Owens better than his wife she's rude."

"She wasn't always like that after Naomi died she got closed off and made any reason to hate me."

"Well she can suck my-"


"What?! She can!"

I shake my head in amusement. "The food is ready you can come on into the dinning room." We follow him and we find Mrs.Owens placing bowls and plates filled with food on the table. "We made you a plate we had plenty." Mr.Owens sits at the head of the table and gestures for us to take a seat.

"Sam do you still draw?" Nazaria asks while stuffing her face with pasta.

"Sometimes but not as much as I use to." I smile and start to eat small bits of food. I look over at Theo's plate and he's half way done. I give him a 'stop eating like a pig' glare and he puts his fork down and rolls his eyes.

"I remember you use to draw me when I asked. I still have the picture you drew of me last year."

"Okay Nazaria that's enough talking how about you eat your food, don't you have homework to finish before you go to bed."

"Yes." She stuffs more food in her mouth and looks down at her lap.

The room goes quiet for a couple of minutes and the sound of forks scrapping plates floats around the room. I finish my food and push my plate forward.

"If you're done Sam you can leave." Mrs. Owens

"But aren't we suppose to talk to her about what happened with our daughter?" Mr.Owens asks.

"Well I think it's obvious she's the one who talked our daughter into killing herself!" Mrs.Owens throws her arms in the air and slams them back down on the table.

Nazaria jumps a little and looks away from the table.

"Do you really believe I would want my best friend to kill herself?!"

Sam Dying RoseWhere stories live. Discover now