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In all seven years of her life Bethany had really onlya had her brother. And now she didn't even have him. She was sitting in the church staring at the large wooden box that held the last person she had. She was crying and holding very tightly to a stuffed, yellow cat that had seen much better days.
"It's time to go, Peanut." Said the boy beside her. His piercing blue eyes met her soft grey ones. He stood and offered her his hand. Bethany slid off the pew and accepted it. They headed in the direction of the door, following the boy's family. Bethany turned one last time to stare at the coffin that held her brother.
"Bye, Jellyfish." She whispered. The sudden realization that that would be the last time she got to call him jellyfish made her start to cry again. The boy holding her hand looked down when he heard her sniff. He scooped her up into his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck with her cat lightly thumping his back with every step. The church door closed with a dull thud as they walked outside. Now they would follow the coffin to the cemetery. Bethany didn't want to. Once they we're in the car she voiced her thoughts.
"I don't wanna go, Panda." She mumbled.
"Why?" She shrugged. 'Panda' sighed. "I know it's been a rough day, Peanut, but we have to do this, okay? I know it's not fun." Bethany nodded and wiped the tears off her face. 'Panda' gave her foot a gentle squeeze in lieu of giving her a hug. The drive to the cemetery was silent aside from Bethany's occasional sniffs. The small party that came to the cemetery had only five; Bethany, 'Panda', 'Panda's' parents and Bethany's brother's girlfriend.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Promise me you won't forget how much David loved you, okay?"
"Cross my heart, Thea." Thea smiled weakly and gave Bethany a hug. Then she stood and faced 'Panda'.
"Take care of her. She meant the world to David." She wiped the tears off her cheeks. 'Panda' gave her a hug.
"You meant the world to him too, Thea. I'm so sorry." She pulled away and blew her nose. Then hugged 'Panda's' parents. The last of the dirt was dropped onto the casket. Thea left first. Bethany and Panda and Panda's parents went home. Home was a small, pale blue house with navy trim and daffodils lining the walkway. Bethany stood just inside the door, staring at the floor, cat held limply in her hand. She started to cry.
"Peanut. . ." Panda trailed off. Bethany brushed past him and walked up the stairs. She had no room in this house, and until further notice would be rooming with Panda. It wasn't ideal, but neither one minded. She walked into the room that was hers for the time being. She climbed up onto the bed and grabbed one of the pillows. The was a knock on the door. It opened a bit and Panda stuck his head in.
"Can I come in?" Bethany nodded and clutched the pillow to her chest. He sat beside her and pulled her into his lap. "I'm so sorry, Peanut." They sat there in silence for a few minutes before there was another knock at the door.
"Who is it?" 'Panda' asked.
"Who do you think it is, Andy?" The voice of one of Panda's friends came through the door.
"Come in." A girl, short with curly purple hair, stepped in.
"What's up?" Panda asked.
"I got us a gig!"
"That's awesome, but I'm kinda busy right now. Can we talk Monday? At school?"
"Sure. Sure. I was just really excited. See ya, Andy." The girl left and Bethany fell asleep in Panda's arms. Just as she would every night for the next four years.

This isn't great, but I promise it gets better.

Avery L.

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