{25} - Christmas Won't Be The Same This Year

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Christmas was Bethany's favorite time of year, but the fact that she wouldn't be spending Christmas with her parents made her sad. And in LA there was no snow. She had talked with her parents almost daily since December began and had sent them each a gift. But it just wasn't the same.
She tried to keep her mind of it by shopping for presents and filming Christmas songs played on the ukulele.
She'd been invited by Andy and Juliet to join them for Christmas with Juliet's family. She agreed if only so she wouldn't be alone on Christmas, because that would be worse than just being away from her parents. They had Christmas dinner at lunch with Juliet's family on Christmas Eve. They were very welcoming even though none of them had seen her since Andy and Juliet's wedding. Everyone was happy and enjoying themselves. But Bethany still felt off. She missed her parents and all their family traditions. She felt out of place. She surrounded by people who had traditions she wasn't a part of. It had been years since she'd been depressed, but now she didn't even know what to with herself. She wanted to cry, but she didn't want to at the same time. She was just tired and didn't want to do anything.
"I gonna go for a walk." She told Andy.
"Are you okay, Peanut?" Concern covered his face. She shrugged.
"I'll be back in a little bit." Andy watched she'd leave, remembering how many times he'd let her leave and found out later she'd been struggling and he'd ignored it. It had happened too many times. He told Juliet he was going to find Bethany and then left.
Bethany made her way down the street. She had no plans and didn't know where she was going. She just didn't feel like staying at the house. She didn't even really know any of those people. Eventually she sat down on the curb and pulled out her phone to call her parents.
"Hi, Bean! Merry Christmas." Her dad answered.
"Hi, Daddy. Merry Christmas."
"How's your day been?"
"It's okay. It's weird celebrating Christmas when it's so warm." He laughed.
"I bet. How's Andy?"
"Good. I think. Did you get the presents I sent?"
"Yes. Thank you. They're wonderful."
"You liked the tie?" She giggled.
"It was amazing. I'm wearing it to the office on Thursday."
"Do it! I dare you! You have to send me a picture from the office as proof that you actually wore it though."
"Sure thing." She sighed. "Are you okay?"
"I don't know anymore." She sighed again. "I miss you guys. I'm sorry I couldn't come home."
"It's okay, kiddo. These things happen." She had wanted to go home, but she really couldn't afford plane tickets or the time off. She had just started at the law office. They told her if she wanted that much time off then she shouldn't come back. They were nice about it, said it was company policy and Bethany understood that, but that didn't make it any less annoying.
"Oh, here's your mom."
"Hi, sweetie!"
"Hi, Mom."
"Are you having fun?"
"Sort of. Juliet's family are all really nice, but I don't really know any of them and I feel like I'm intruding on their Christmas. What about you guys?"
"It's been very quiet. We got invited to dinner though so that's exciting."
"Oh really? By who?"
"The Butchers."
"Don't sound too excited Mom." Bethany laughed.
"Erica Butcher is the most boring person I've ever met I don't mind saying so."
"Well, maybe don't say it to her face."
"I'm insulted that you think I would." They both laughed. "Oh goodness, is that the time? I should go."
"Okay. I'll talk to you later?"
"Sure, sweetie. Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas." She ended the call and stared down at her phone screen while trying to cry. She felt stupid. Being so upset just because she couldn't spend Christmas with her parents.
"What's wrong, Peanut?" Andy asked, sitting down beside her. She leaned against him and sighed.
"It's stupid." She wiped at her eyes.
"I doubt that. C'mon tell me." She shook her head. "I'll get the tickle monster." He threatened. She sat up and raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not five. That doesn't work anymore."
"Are you sure?" He grinned and reached to tickle her. She scooched away from him and sighed again. "Seriously, what's wrong?"
"I just miss Mom and Dad."
"It's stupid I know."
"No it's not. I miss them too."
"Yeah, but you're used to Christmas without them. You're used to life without them. This is still a pretty new thing for me. The summer was so busy I didn't really have time to think about, but now." She closed her eyes. "It's just harder than I thought."
"I know it is, Peanut, but it gets easier." She nodded and played with her necklace. The one her dad had given her for her birthday.
"Do you ever regret moving away?"
"Nope. At first I thought I wanted to go back, but I knew if I wanted to pursue music I had to stay. Do regret moving away?"
"I don't think so. I miss Mom and Dad, but I've always wanted this. Besides now I get to see you more and I get to see friends I hardly saw before."
"We should have a New Year's Eve party." Andy said.
"You think so?"
"I do. It would be fun. You could invite whoever you want to and I might even let you pick the music. As long as you promise to play more than just the Beatles."
"There's other artists besides the Beatles?" She asked. He rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her into his side.
"Shocking, I know." He rested his on top of hers. "You'll be okay, Peanut."
"I know. I just need reminders sometimes."
"And that's what I'm here for."
"Thank you, Panda."
"You're welcome." They day there in silence for a few minutes before Andy said, "We should probably get back before they have lunch without us."
"Good point." He stood and offered her his hand. She let him pull her to her feet. "Gimme a ride?" She smiled up at him and he rolled his eyes.
"Fine. But only because it's Christmas." She jumped on his back and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck.
"Lies. We both you'll give me a ride any time I ask."
"I hate that you're right."
"Merry Christmas, Panda." She said, giving him a hug while still on his back.
"Merry Christmas, Peanut."

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