{14} - Fighting

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Very few times had Bethany gotten genuinely mad at Andy, but when she found out why Remington was ignoring her she lost it. She stormed onto the bus and found Andy sitting on the couch talking with Jake and CC.
"What is wrong with you?" She asked. All three of them gave her confused looks..
"What?" CC asked.
"I'm not talking to you." Bethany snapped. CC put his hands up on surrender and Bethany turned gaze back on Andy. "Remington's been ignoring me and I know it's your fault!"
"Oh. That."
"Yes, That! What did you do?!"
"I told him to stay away from you. I know guys like him and I know what he'll do to you!"
"What he'll do to me?! He won't do anything to me if I don't want him to!"
"You don't know that!"
"You're my brother! You're supposed to encourage me! And support me!" She snapped. "Not yell at my friends!" CC and Jake were watching with wide eyes.
"And as your brother it's my job to protect you!"
"Protect me from what?!"
"Remember the party? When you were sixteen?!" He stood up. Anger flashed in his eyes. For the first time in nineteen years Bethany felt real fear while staring at her brother.
"That was different!"
"I didn't know those people!"
"You don't know Remington or the other guys!"
"They're my friends! We hang out! We joke! Yes, I held his hand, but I didn't fucking sleep with him! Not that it matters because it's MY LIFE!"
"AND I'M TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU!" Andy didn't get mad often and even when mad he hardly ever yelled. Bethany took a step back and for a second hurt flashed in his eyes.
"WELL STOP IT! I DIDN'T ASK YOU TO LOOK OUT FOR ME OR PROTECT ME! YOU'RE NOT EVEN MY REAL BROTHER!" That brought the argument to a standstill. They stared at each other, not speaking. Without another word Bethany turned and walked off the bus. The night air was chilly. She hugged herself and rubbed her arms. She began to cry. She walked toward Palaye Royale's bus. Memories were resurfacing. Blood, broken glass, screams. Flatlining. She knocked and wiped the tears off her face. Laughter spilled out into the night as the door opened to reveal Daniel.
"Benny? What's wrong?"
"Can I spend the night? Please?"
"Sure. Come on in." She followed him up into the bus.
"Who was it?" Sebastian asked. Music was playing, loudly, giving Bethany a headache.
"Bumblebee? What's wrong?" And at that moment she broke down. She began to sob, head down, arms wrapped around herself. The five men on the bus glanced at each other unsure what to do before Emerson stood and wrapped her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around his waist and sobbed into his chest. Her chest felt tight and she couldn't breathe. She could hear glass shatter and tires squeal and everything went black.


Emerson was normally very level headed, but when Bethany went limp in his arms he began to panic. He caught her before she fell. He looked up at Sebastian and Remington with wide eyes.
"What happened?" Sebastian asked. Someone turned the music off.
"I-I don't know. She just passed out." Sebastian and Phil stood so he could lay her on the couch.  He laid her down and knelt beside the couch. She was still breathing so that was a good sign. She murmured and turned her head. She began to cry in her sleep. No one knew what to do or how to help her. Sebastian was taken back to a month earlier when she'd called him from her graduation.
"Ben?" Emerson asked as he gently brushed her hair out of her face. "Bethany?" She thrashed around and murmured again. Her breathing sped up and she jolted awake. The first thing she saw was blue eyes, but not the ones she wanted or expected. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and then pushed herself into the corner of the couch, with knees pulled up to her chest and tried to calm down. Remington sat down beside her and pulled her against his chest. She was still crying. Nobody spoke. Nobody knew what to say. She pulled away from Remington and wiped at her face.
"Sorry." She mumbled. Remington rubbed her arm comfortingly.
"It's okay." Remington assured her. She shivered. "Are you cold?"
"Little bit."
"I'll find you something." He stood and pushed between people and down through the bunks. Sebastian took his place. She was offered a can of ginger ale which she took and sipped at. Remington came back and offered her a red hoodie. Sebastian held her can of soda while she put it on. It was soft and warm. It smelled like Remington, a combination of hairspray and cigarettes with a faint trace of something that smelled a bit like mango-peach dum-dums.
"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked. She nodded and took a sip of her soda.
"What happened?" Emerson asked.
"I'd rather not talk about it right now." She whispered.
"That's fine." Sebastian said as he put an arm around her shoulders. They all went back to their own things. The music turned back on and fresh drinks were poured. She was offered various alcoholic drinks, but refused them all. She stuck with her ginger ale. Sebastian ran his fingers up and down her arm absentmindedly, she didn't mind. They talked, sang, laughed and she watched. Eventually she rested her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes and drifted off despite all the noise. Since Remington's bunk was closest and the easiest to get her into that's where they put her. Remington curled up on the couch, knowing he'd hurt the next morning, but not caring at all.

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