{26} - If I fell

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Again please excuse the weird colored play button. My pic editing app sucks ass.
Avery L.



❤️liked by bennyharris, 4stephanierachel and  4, 766 otherssebastiandanzig if I fell in love with you 🐝

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❤️liked by bennyharris, 4stephanierachel and  4, 766 others
sebastiandanzig if I fell in love with you 🐝

Load more comments
user1 I wish you sang more! You're voice is beautiful
user2 what's with the 🐝?
user3 so much untapped potential
user4 is there nothing he can't do???
user5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
user6 so good omg 😮
user7 remember in that episode of rtv when we heard him call someone bumblebee I bet it's for that person whoever they are user2
user8 I haven't seen that episode user7 which one is it?
user9 I think it's ep4 of s2
user10 what song is this?
user11 if I fell by the Beatles user10


Bethany knew what the bumblebee emoji was about. She watched the short clip on repeat, cheeks tinged pink. Did he really feel the same? Was April right? She really hadn't talked to him much since Christmas. She looked down at the bracelet on her wrist and smiled. Just breathe. It was very comforting to have it there. A constant, gentle reminder from someone who cares.

Bumblebee - I'm offended that I didn't know you could sing so well
Sebster - 🤷‍♂️
Bumblebee - you're good. But I might be biased since you've been my friend for two years and I love the Beatles
Sebster - Thanks
Sebster - I have to be honest you're cover of In My Life is what inspired me to do it
Bumblebee - really?
Sebster - Yeah
Sebster - I mean amongst other things
Bumblebee - that's cool
Bumblebee - I didn't know I inspired people
Sebster - don't let it go to your head
Bumblebee - are you coming to the New Year's Eve party?
Sebster - probably
Sebster - Why?
Bumblebee - just curious
Sebster - Are you going?
Bumblebee - probably since it's at my house
Sebster - Right duh
Sebster - I feel kinda stupid now
Bumblebee - if it's any consolation I thought it was funny
Sebster - Why would that be a consolation?
Bumblebee - idk
Bumblebee - you'll never guess what I found!!!!
Sebster - probably not.
Bumblebee - this is my new favorite picture

Bumblebee - this is my new favorite picture

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