{27} - Ringing In The New Year

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People milled around, drinks in hand, smiles on faces. Bethany stood beside Andy watching. She sipped occasionally at the coke in her hand. People we're still arriving. She was waiting for Sebastian. Emerson and Shy were already there as well as Jake and Inna, Jinxx and Alice, Ashley, Simon, Kris, Oscar, John Feldman and his wife and a few people Bethany didn't know.
"Andy. And Bethany?" John asked, walking up to her and Andy. "How long has it been?"
"Going on five years." Bethany told him, shaking his hand with he offered it to her. They had a lengthy conversation of music, LA and things like that, before he went off to talk to other people.
"Sebastian's here." Juliet said, taking Andy's place beside Bethany.
"He is?!" Bethany immediately started looking for him.
"It's agony. Fucking agony." Juliet said. "Oh, and I may or may not have accidentally told Remington that you have a huge crush on Sebastian. Sorry." And she walked off. Bethany started after her, eyes wide, cheeks pink. She really hoped he wouldn't tell Sebastian.


"Sebastian! Sebastian! You'll never guess what Juliet just told me!" Remington bounced over to him.
"Probably not." Sebastian agreed.
"Benny likes you too." Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
"You better not be fucking with me."
"I'm not. Jeez, you guys are so oblivious it's painful. Juliet told me that she and B had a conversation recently and B confessed to having feelings for you. Plus she's been sneaking glances at you all night."
"I swear if your fucking with me I'll beat the shit out of you." Remington rolled his eyes.
"I love that you just assume that I'm fucking with you."
"In my defense you fuck with me a lot."
"Fair enough, but I'm not this time."
"'Cos playing matchmaker is kinda fun, plus I can tell you really do care about B and she cares about you. You could be good for each other. I think." Sebastian still looked skeptical. Remington rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Point is you should make your move. Grow a pair and kiss her at midnight." He walked off and Sebastian thought about what he'd said.


Kris decided to talk some sense into Bethany. She obviously had feelings for Sebastian and he obviously had feelings for her.
"You like Sebastian, right? Like more than a friend."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Well, yeah. And he obviously likes you too."
"How do you know?" Kris gave her a look that plainly read 'are you stupid?'
"He's the only on who calls you bumblebee and when he did that cover of If I Fell he used a bee emoji. Who else would that be for?"
"That's a good point."
"B! B!" Remington came over. "Can I talk to you?"
"Sure. I'll come back when he's done." Kris said and walked off.
"Sebastian likes you. A lot." Bethany just smiled and felt her cheeks warm up. "The only thing is that he might not be man enough to make the first move."
"Wow. Way to be a wingman, Ratface." She giggled and he rolled his eyes.
"I give up." He took a drink out of his cup. "Just think about making the first move. Okay?" Bethany nodded and Remington got pulled into a conversation.


Sebastian glanced around, looking for someone very particular. He found her, standing by the couch with CC. She laughed and Sebastian couldn't help but smile. She was beautiful. Inside and out. CC walked away and Bethany sipped her coke and looked around. Sebastian walked up to her. Knowing she felt the same had given him a confidence boost. He'd never been more grateful for Remington putting his nose where it didn't belong. Bethany's heart beat a little faster as he walked up to her. He smiled. It was almost midnight.
"Hi." Bethany said softly.
"Hi." Around them people began counting down from ten. This was his chance. This would determine the future of their relationship. "Can I kiss you?" Sebastian asked, prepared for any answer she might give. He had no faith in Remington. And Remington had no faith in him. Not that it mattered.
"Absolutely." Bethany replied without hesitation. He gently grabbed her face with both hands and pressed his lips to hers. She smiled. It was, without a doubt, the best kiss she'd ever had. There was no doubt in her mind that he genuinely cared about her. This meant something to him. They broke apart. Bethany's face tinged red, she was smiling, eyes shining.
"Happy new year, Sebster." He smiled and she knew she was a goner.
"Happy new year, Bumblebee."


Unbeknownst to them Andy had seen them kiss.
"I don't like it." Andy told Juliet.
"She's not kid anymore, Andy. You have to let her make these kinds of decisions. Besides she could do worse."
"He's seven years older than her." Andy pointed out.
"And I'm six years older than you. And don't you dare say it's different because we both know it's not. In ten years I guarantee it won't seem like so much." Andy grudgingly agreed.


"Do you want to get coffee tomorrow? Nine ish?" Sebastian asked. Bethany smiled.
"I'd love to."
"Wonderful." Neither one spoke for a few seconds. "Can-can I kiss you again?" He was being very shy about this whole thing and if Bethany had any doubts about liking him they were gone now. She tilted her head to the left and tapped her chin with her finger. Then she grabbed Sebastian's face and pressed her lips to his.
"I'm gonna go find Panda." She told him when they pulled apart.
"Sure." She gave him a smile and turned to look for Andy. She spotted him and Juliet standing by the table. She wandered over.
"Happy new year, Panda!" She gave him a hug.
"Happy new year, Peanut."
"When are you pulling the plug on this?" She gestured at the room.
"I don't know. Why?" She glanced around until she found Sebastian talking with John.
"No reason." She said, smiling softly.
"Okay." Andy said following her gaze till he saw Sebastian.
"I'm gonna go find Shy." He nodded and she wove through the crowded room in search of Shy. She found her in the kitchen with Monica. "Ladies."
"Hey, Benny." Shy said. Monica waved.
"So. Tell me. How is mister Emerson?" Bethany asked.
"Wonderful as always."
"And what about mister Remington?" She directed at Monica.
"That's great. How you can handle spending time with them as often as you do is beyond me, but I'm glad you're happy." They giggled.
"What about you? Anyone special in your life?" Shy asked. Bethany smiled and felt her cheeks heat up as she thought about what had just happened. Sebastian had kissed her. Kissed her! She felt like she was floating.
"Not really. I mean, potentially? I don't know. But I promise when I know I'll tell you." Shy nodded.
"You gonna at least give us a name?" Monica asked.
"Um, I don't think so. Not yet."
"Spoil sport."
"Sorry. But I will tell you this. This year kicked off with the best possible start and I'm very excited to see where it leads." She grinned at their confused faces and left the kitchen. Yes, the new year was off to a great start. She was happy, she was calm. She was ready to face whatever life threw at her. She was on cloud nine. And nothing could bring her down.

And that is the end of the first installment in Bethany and Sebastian's story. Thanks so much to everyone reading and voting!

Avery L.

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