{17} - June, July & Just Friends

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Bethany clicked on the most recent episode of royal television. Apparently she was prominently featured in this one. It started with the guys on the tour bus goofing around. Trying to drag Emerson out of bed, singing songs about random things and dumping food on the floor. Then it showed them walking around warped, saying hi to fans and bands they knew. It went from that to the TEI tent. They were discussing they're newest album and then Bethany walked up behind them. Luis moved back a bit as Bethany placed a finger to her lips. Then she swiped her hand across the top of Remington's head, grabbed Emerson's hat and ran. The fans started laughing as Remington and Emerson stood and ran after her, yelling. Luis zoomed in on the three of them in the background just long enough for anyone watching to see Remington tackle her to the ground before going back to Sebastian. The next couple of minutes were focused on Sebastian talking to the fans and then Bethany came back and plopped into the chair beside him, sinking down a bit and laughing breathlessly. She closed her eyes.
"What are you doing?" Sebastian asked her.
"Hiding from your brothers. What about you?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Well I was trying to do this," he gestured at the group of kids sitting in front of them, "but you're interrupting. Again." She grinned and sunk down into the chair further. Sebastian shook his head and went back to talking about scarves.
"There you are! I've lost you like five times." Andy said walking into the frame.
"For fucks sake!" Sebastian said as Andy walked in. "Why am I even bothering?" Everyone laughed.
"What the hell are you doing?" Andy asked Bethany.
"Hiding. I pulled a prank on Em and Ratface and they're trying to find me." Many of the comments were about her. Some about her calling Remington Ratface and others about her prank.
"You're supposed to be manning the merch table in fifteen minutes."
"I know. But I can't go yet, because they'll be looking for me there."
"I wouldn't count on that." Sebastian said, looking past Andy and Bethany. Then Bethany stood, gave Andy Emerson's hat and ran off, yelling over her shoulder that she would head to the merch tent. Sebastian shook his head and kept talking. Remington and Emerson joined him, with Andy still off to the side, arms crossed, Emerson's hat on his head.
"There she is!" Remington said and pointed. Emerson jogged after her. Andy and Remington following. Luis kept the camera on Sebastian.
"I don't even know what do anymore." He said and took a drink from the can of monster in the cup holder on his chair. "Are they coming back?" He asked Luis. There was muffled, 'Remington is' from behind the camera. Remington came back and picked up his chair that he'd knocked over earlier.
"Nice hairdo." Sebastian said.
"Shut up." Remington ran his fingers through his hair making it stand up more.
"Where's Emerson?" Remington shrugged.
"I'm done. I give up." Sebastian dropped his mic into the now empty cup holder. The fans laughed. Then the video moved to later after the concert. They were on the bus, most of them half dressed, the camera was focused on Remington and Emerson who were arguing about something. Bethany remembered this. Behind Luis a door opened and the camera panned to the side. You could see Daniel cleaning something up off the floor and Sebastian pouring Gin into a coffee mug.
"Hey, Bumblebee." He said. Bethany smiled. You couldn't see her on the camera at all and her reply was muffled. This of course led to much speculation about who 'Bumblebee' was. She liked the video and closed her internet browser. Things were surprisingly slow at the merch tent. She texted Kris, who said she'd be by in a bit to alleviate the boredom.




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