{21} - Bored

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With Warped Tour over Bethany didn't know what to do with herself. She slept most of her first day home and regretted it when she realized how screwy her sleep schedule was.
"Good afternoon." Andy said from his seat on the couch. "You do realize it almost one, right?"
"Fuck you." Bethany muttered and shuffled into the kitchen. Andy chuckled. After a cup of coffee she got ready and went for a run. It was refreshing and helped her clear her mind. The Beatles played in her earbuds. She stopped when she got a text.

Ratface - what are you up too?
B - running
Ratface - from what? Zombies? Vampires? Ghosts? Demons?
B - for fun
Ratface - for fun?
B - yes. It's called exercise and it helps with my anxiety
Ratface - sounds exciting 🤮
B - I'm surprised you're even out of bed
Ratface - I've been up since five am and I'm still not tired
B - disgusting
B - I've been up less than an hour
Ratface - disgusting
B - 🤪

Bethany took to ignoring the numerous emojis he sent her after that. When he got back to the house Juliet was there and Andy was gone.
"Hey," Juliet said when Bethany walked into the kitchen after her run, "welcome back to the land of the living." Bethany rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue. She hummed You've Got To Hide Your Love Away while getting herself a glass of water. "Got any plans for the rest of your day?"
"I'm gonna get showered and then mess around with my drums for a bit. You?"
"Andy and I are meeting my sister for supper." Bethany nodded.
"Cool. I'm gonna go grab a shower." She took a quick shower and got dressed in joggers and t-shirt. She made her way to the music room. She did a little practice first and then set to what would be her next cover for her YouTube channel. Hey Jude. When she'd finished the song she took a brief break and noticed a ukulele on the top of one of the shelves. She had to stand on the chair to get it down. It was dusty and had a few dead flies in it, but otherwise it was fine. After a quick google search she figured out how to tune it and then began the process of learning how to play it.


"Decided to learn the ukulele, huh?" Andy asked, leaning against the doorway and crossing his arms. Bethany looked up at him and smiled.
"Yeah. I thought it'd be fun." He nodded and walked in. He sat down in the rolling desk chair.



❤️liked by remingtonleith, andyblack, thejulietsimms and 512 othersbennyharris IS IT EVEN QUALITY TIME IF YOU ARENT IGNORING EACH OTHER THOUGH?? 🐼 andyblack  ALSO IM TEACHING MYSELF HOW TO PLAY THE UKULELE SO IF YOU HAVE SUGGESTIONS OF SONGS I SH...

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❤️liked by remingtonleith, andyblack, thejulietsimms and 512 others

Load more comments
user1 How is he so pretty??😱
andyblack 🙄😝
user2 the ukulele is super fun to play and pretty easy too
user3 tbh I don't think it is
user4 Can't help falling in love!!!!
krisisaverted Americas suitehearts!
remingtonleith really? The ukulele?
user5 blackbird!!!!
user6 ❤️❤️❤️
bennyharris 🤪😬 andyblack GOOD CHOICE krisisaverted YES REALLY YOU RETARDED MUDFLAP remingtonleith
user7 retarded mudflap 😂😂😂


Simon - Hey
Benny - Hey
Simon - are you available to play a gig tomorrow?
Simon - i know it's short notice so if you can't it's fine
Benny - I think so
Simon - Great! Here's my address *insert random address* we're meeting here in an hour
Benny - I'll be there
Simon - Thanks
Benny - no problem

Benny made herself presentable, meaning applying some make up and switching out her sweats and t-shirt for something cuter and then scrolled through Instagram before it was time to go.(above^)
"I'm taking your car, Panda!" Bethany yelled as she grabbed Andy's car keys and opened the door.
"What-?" But it was too late. She was out the door and heading to the car.
    When she got to Simon's apartment building she realized she didn't know his apartment number.

Benny - What's the number?
Simon - 45
Benny - I'll be right up

As she got in the elevator Oscar came running into the building. She held the elevator for him and he got in, leaning against the wall and breathing hard.
"Running late?" Bethany asked.
"Little bit." He nodded.
"Nice shirt." She giggled and he looked down. His shirt was covered in tiny flamingos.
"Hey! I happen to like this shirt." That only made her giggle harder.


The next night Simon picked her and her drums up and they met the band at their venue. A bar near the pier. The bar had a small stage hidden behind a curtain. They set up as quickly as they could and were ready to perform. The curtains opened and Simon introduced them. They played their set, four originals and two covers before bowing and leaving the stage. The bar was surprisingly crowded for a weekday. Hal stayed in the back with his book and his earbuds waiting until Oscar, who was his ride, was ready to go home. Bethany got lost in the crowd and received multiple elbows to the head and boobs. Multiple people complimented her on her skill and a few too drunk to function grabbed her ass. An elbow to the stomach ended that. She found Emmett and Simon at the bar taking shots of vodka.
"I'm gonna go! Thanks for letting me play with you guys!" She said over the music that had been turned on after their set. Simon gave her a thumbs up and downed another shot. Emmett just grinned and almost fell off his stool, clearly unable to hold his alcohol.

Eh. That was short and crappy. But I guess they can't all be exciting, right? Some of them have to be fillers.

Avery L.

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