{6} - Moving On

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"Important question about art." Bethany said, phone held between her ear and shoulder.
"Ok. Hit me." Emerson responded. Bethany adjusted the sketchbook on her knees and brushed her hair behind her ear. She was squished into the cab of a U-haul truck with Andy.
"Is it wrong to use a ruler when you draw? I've asked a couple people now and I've gotten conflicting answers, but I trust your opinion most so. . ." She couldn't draw buildings. She didn't have the patience for it, but people were different. She could draw people from memory. Places were harder, more lines, less curves, no emotion.
"There is no right or wrong in art. The only limitation is your imagination. If you want straight lines use a ruler, if you don't don't bother. I use a makeshift ruler most of the time because I can't draw a straight line for shit. Don't let other people define your art. Your art should reflect you. And if you need a ruler so be it." Bethany smiled.
"Sure, sure. But does that apply when you draw people?"
"It applies to all art. Whether it be drawing or writing, poetry or music or anything else."
"Thanks, Louise." She giggled a bit at Andy's confused face.
"I'm gonna start calling you Thelma."
"Please, for the love of my sanity don't do that."
"Then stop calling me Louise. Why do you call me Louise anyway?"
"Because I've only ever seen you without a hat like twice."
"Is that supposed to clear things up for me?"
"Watch Bob's Burgers."
"That probably won't hap-happen." He yawned.
"Little bit. I have a question for you now."
"Hit me."
"Do you believe you have to have inspiration in order to draw or write?"
"No. I always think of something Mom says, 'You can't wait for inspiration. Sometimes you have to go after it with a club, beat it over the head and drag it back by the ankle." He laughed. Andy did too.
"That. . .is amazing advice. I love that."
"Well my mom is a wise woman in her own way."
"Ag-agreed." He yawned again.
"I'll let you go. Thanks for the help. Louise."
"Sure thing, Thelma." Bethany sighed.
"I brought that on myself." Andy kept glancing at her, confusion in his eyes.
"I warned you."
"Mmm. Bye, Em."
"Bye, Ben." She put her phone down and closed her sketchbook, deciding she'd work on it later.
"Ready for lunch?" Andy asked.
"I can be."
"Great. The next exit is two miles away." She nodded while opening Spotify on her phone and turning on The Beatles.
"You and the Beatles." Andy said.
"Hey! They are amazing and I'll never get to see them live so let me enjoy this." She began singing along.


After four days of almost nonstop driving they arrived in California.
"We're about two hours out." Andy informed Bethany.
"Great!" She gazed out the window. She gasped.
"My foot's asleep to the point that it hurts."
"Yeah. Ooh!" She pulled her phone out and began typing up a text to Remington.

Benny - We're in Cali!
Rem - Awesome! Maybe tomorrow we can get lunch or something?
Benny - Yes! Will Em and Sebster come too?
Rem - I'll see what I can do
Benny - yay!!!
Benny - it feels like it's been years since I've seen you
Rem - it's been eight months
Benny - that's still too long
Rem - well you get to spend all summer with us
Benny - Yes!!!
Benny - hows things with Monica?
Rem - improving I think
Benny - that's good
Rem - Yeah we're going out for dinner and shit tonight so
Benny - cool
Benny - I'm glad you're working things out
Rem - me too I like her a lot
Benny - Yeah?
Rem - Yeah she's great and we're both putting effort into this relationship instead of just me
Benny - relationships work best when both parties put effort in
Rem - oh fuck sorry B I forgot
Benny - it's okay. I kinda had a meltdown on tuesday but since then things have been good ish
Benny - I mean, I hate his guts and I'm no longer on speaking terms with Claire because she's a bitch but what are you gonna do?
Rem - what did Claire do?
Benny - it's a long story for another time.
Rem - sure
Rem - I gotta go ttyl B
Benny - bye ratface

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