{18} - Japan, Strangling & Rain

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"Panda. Panda!" She shook his shoulder and he rolled toward her.
"Hmm?" He squinted at her in the dark.
"Japan is attacking and I'm out of supplies." She said softly.
"What?" He'd barely been paying attention.
"Japan is attacking and I'm out of supplies."
"Yeah. I-I can't-well I can, but I don't want to leave. And it can't really wait and I'm kinda-" He put his hand up in her face as he sat up.
"Stop. Please. I'll go. It's okay."
"Thank you." She smiled in relief.
"No problem." He found a t-shirt and pulled it on before finding his shoes. "Do you need anything else?"
"Something for nausea." He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair.
"I'll try not to be too long, Peanut." He kissed her forehead and left the bus. Bethany day down at the table with a can of ginger ale and took a few painkillers. The next thing she knew Andy was shaking her awake. She peeled her face off the table and groaned. There was a puddle of drool on the table top. She made a mental note to clean that up before breakfast.
"Hey." Andy said. Bethany rubbed over her face with the sleeve of her sweater.
"Hi." She mumbled back.
"Here's you're stuff." He offered the the plastic grocery bag in his hand. "I'm goin' back to bed. You should too." He yawned and kicked his shoes off. Then he hauled his shirt off and crawled back into his bunk. As well as her "supplies" and nausea meds he also got her a bar of chocolate. She smiled and tucked the chocolate into her bunk so no one else would find it. After dealing with the things that had made her wake Andy up initially she crawled into her bunk and closed her eyes.
When she woke up she could hear everyone talking. She had a stomach ache and her legs hurt. Part of her didn't want to get up. Another part was screaming that she needed a shower. And a tiny part was incessantly chanting the word coffee. She slid out of her bunk and patted down to the bathroom. It was empty so she took a short shower and got dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Unlike most girls she didn't get cramps while on her period. Instead she had a perpetual stomach ache the four to five days her period lasted, generic body aches and she got irrationally angry with everyone and everything. Five days of feeling like she was going to throw up, but not actually throwing up effectively destroyed her appetite. After her shower she threw her wet hair up into a bun and pulled on a pair of socks. She joined everyone else in the kitchen.
"Morning Peanut." Andy said when she sat down beside him at the table. She crossed her arms and rested them on the table before resting her head on. Then she sat back and flicked her eyes over the table, realizing she hadn't washed it after she drooled on it. Andy must've known what she was thinking, because he asked someone to hand him the washcloth. CC threw it at him and it landed on his head. He wiped the table before chucking the washcloth back at CC.
"Coffee?" Jake offered. She nodded. A blue mug, not the one she'd had when tour started, but very similar, was placed in front of her. A few minutes later, during which she'd stared at her cup, but hadn't actually taken a drink, there was a knock on the door. Jake opened it and Juliet came.
"Hi!" She smiled at everyone and Bethany got up so that Andy could get up. Bethany dropped back down into her seat and took a drink of her coffee.


Though she loved Andy and Juliet Bethany struggled to watch them be happy and couply. She knew they weren't trying to rub it in her face, but she still missed Luke and it made her ache for something she couldn't have to watch them. So she took a few things with her and went to Palaye's bus. They'd be spending the next day on the road. And since they were all going to the same place, she'd just stay with them.
"Emerson! Perfect! C'mere." She grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the bathroom.
"What are you doing?"
"I want you to cut my bangs." She held up a pair of scissors.
"No." He said and took a step back.
"Please. I was gonna have Sebster do it, but he can't 'cos the scissors are right handed."
"It's not my fault nothing is made for left handed people." Sebastian called from his bunk.
"Please, Em."
"I don't want to fuck up your hair."
"It'll be fine. If it looks bad I'll just pin it up until it grows out. Please?" He sighed.
"Fine. Give me the scissors. But if I fuck up you can't be mad."
"Deal. Here." She handed him the scissors and showed him where to cut. "Cut up and at an angle. 'Kay?" He took a deep breath and started cutting.
"There." He dropped the scissors on the counter. Bethany turned to look in the mirror.
"They look great! Thank you!" She gave him a hug.
"You're welcome." Emerson left the bathroom and Bethany grabbed the scissors to fix her bags up just a bit. When she was done she pinned them back and pulled the rest of hair up into a bun.
"Whatcha up to B?" Remington asked.
"Gonna do a face mask. Wanna join me?"
"Sure." She had him sit down on the toilet so she could pin back his hair.
"So just spread it over your face as evenly as you can." He did as she told him to.
"Now what?"
"Now we wait fifteen minutes and then peel it off." He nodded and looked at himself in the mirror. "Wanna watch the office of parks and rec?"
"Yes!" He grabbed her hand and drug down to the opposite end of the bus. They sat on the couch together and Remington turned on the TV. "Which would you rather watch?"
"I don't care. You choose." Then she gasped and stood up. She grabbed her bag off the floor and pulled out her chocolate bar. She sat back down beside Remington.
"Were you planning on sharing that?" He asked.
"Mm. I don't know. Depends on if you'll take a selfie with me." He rolled his eyes.
"Fine." She grinned and grabbed her phone. They both grinned and she threw up a peace sign as she took the picture.
"We're so cute! Our brothers are so lucky they got such cute siblings. Don't you agree?"
"Yep. Definitely."
"Stop inflating his ego." Emerson said from his bunk.
"Aw, it's okay, Em. You're cute too!" She could practically hear the eyeroll. She giggled. Then she broke off a piece of her chocolate and gave it to Remington.

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