{11} - Day One Of Warped

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❤️liked by ceesespieces, remingtonleith, anna

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❤️liked by ceesespieces, remingtonleith, anna.sherman and 219 others
bennyharris WHOS READY FOR WARPED???? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ ceesespieces

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remingtonleith 🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♂️ I am! I am!
user1 I don't have any money😭😭😭
user2 🙋🏾‍♀️meeeeeee
sebastiandanzig hell yes!!!
jinxxed4life definitely
user3 i can't go this year and it makes me v sad
bennyharris CHILL remingtonleith NO ONE ASKED YOU sebastiandanzig
user4 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
sebastiandanzig rude bennyharris
remingtonleith NO! bennyharris
bennyharris 🖕🤷‍♀️ sebastiandanzig 🧐 remingtonleith
user5 who else ships bennyharris and remingtonleith???
user6 okay but what about bennyharris and sebastiandanzig? user5
ceesespieces I'm might be, I'm not sure yet, I guess we'll find out tomorrow🤷‍♂️
user7 both sebastiandanzig and remingtonleith have girlfriends you know user5 user6
remingtonleith I find great offense at that bennyharris


The first day of Warped tour is almost always the longest. It can be debated if the first or last day is the worst. The point is, the first day, is the initial set up and move in. It's long and exhausting, not mention very hot. Bethany quickly came to the realization that she was practically useless because of how tiny she was. Everything was too heavy and awkward for her to lift without a lot of help, so she decided she'd get out from under foot. So she put on her hat, a large, floppy, black thing, to protect her face from sunburn, rubbed liberal amounts of sunscreen on her bare arms and legs and started walking around. People walked around, laughing, talking, drinking. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. Bethany smiled. Then she walked directly into someone. Papers went flying everywhere.
"Oh, jeez. Sorry, let me help!" She scurried around, grabbing start pieces of paper. She handed them to the girl she'd walked into. "Sorry again. I wasn't even paying attention."
"No biggie." The girl smiled and brushed her blonde hair behind her ears. "I'm Kris. It's nice to meet you."
"Benny. Nice to meet you too. Are you in a band or?"
"Oh, no. I'm a YouTuber. I do interviews with bands. I'm also the sister of the bass player of an up and coming band, called Back Before Morning, and I'm here with them. What about you?" They started walking.
"I'm Black Veil Brides's merch girl and Andy's sister." Kris nodded.
"Very cool. Very cool. Is this your first time on warped?"
"Nope. I spent a couple weeks with BVB three or four years ago. And I always visit for at least day as long as my dad is up for it."
"You're Bethany Harris!" Kris said suddenly.
"Uh, Yeah."
"No. Ugh, I'm sorry. I just realized who you are. I love your covers."
"Oh! Really? You've seen them?" Bethany was shocked.
"Yeah! You're really good."
"Aww. Thanks. I'm glad you think so. I try my best."
"Well your best is amazing. Seriously. I know some shitty drummers." She giggled.
"Hey! B!" Bethany turned and grinned when she saw Palaye Royale.
"Hey!" She waved at them as they walked over. Kris gripped her arm.
"You know Palaye Royale?" Her eyes were wide, excitement evident in her eyes.
"Do you think they'd be interested in doing an interview with me?" She sounded excited.
"I could probably convince them. I could probably get BVB to do one with you too."
"That would be amazing!"
"Hey, long time no see." Remington said, giving Bethany a hug.
"Right back at ya, Ratface." He scrunched his face up in disgust.
"I think I liked ratatouille better." Bethany giggled.
"Too bad. I like Ratface better. Oh! Manners. Jeez. Kris this is Remington, Emerson and Sebastian. Guys this is Kris."
"H-hi." Kris squeaked put.
"Hi!" Remington grinned at her. Her face went red and she looked like she might pass out.
"Kris, breathe." Bethany said.
"I don't think I can."
"'Kay, seriously breathe." Bethany said again. "They're so pretty." She whispered. Then she blushed harder. "Oh, fuck. I, um, I gotta go. See ya around Benny. Nice meeting you." She practically ran off.
"Bye! See ya!" Bethany called after her.
"She's interesting." Sebastian noted as Kris walked away.
"She's a fan. She was internally fangirling." She giggled, "and not hiding it very well."
"Nice hat." Emerson said.
"Thank you. I burn really bad so this is a precaution." She tugged at the edge of her hat. "We're not all fashionistas." She added.
"So what are you up to?" Remington asked.
"Eh. Not much. I was gonna help unload, but I'm too short and weak. I'm pretty much useless so I decided to get out from under foot. What about you?"
"Technically we should be setting up, moving into our band wagon and stuff, but we wanted to check the place out first." Remington said, throwing his arm over her shoulders. Bethany nodded. They started walking.
"I forgot how tiny you are."
"I didn't." Her phone started ringing. Panda was written across the screen with a picture of her and Andy behind it.
"Where'd you disappear to?" Andy asked.
"I was just getting in the way so I decided to wander around. I found some friends."
"What friends?" He sounded suspicious.
"Oh, chill out. It's Ratface and his brothers."
"Yeah. Oh." She replied in a mocking tone.
"Don't get lost."
"Mm. No promises." She grinned. She could almost hear the eye roll. "Bye."
"Bye, Peanut." He ended the call and she put her phone back in her pocket.
"So . . . not loving the Ratface thing." Remington said.
"Mm, I'm not caring." Behind them Emerson snickered.
"Shut up." Remington muttered.
"So," Bethany said, pulling away from Remington and walking backwards, "y'all excited for Warped?" She happy, ecstatic could even be used, and it was very obvious. She was smiling wide, eyes twinkling and she was practically skipping. Who could know that behind that cheerful, bubbly exterior there was an exhausted, stressed out girl, who was in desperate need of a friend who could see through her mask. That's not say that she wasn't happy. She was, she was just tired physically and emotionally.
"Yes!" Remington said immediately.
"Ye-" Emerson started to speak, but got cut off.
"There you are! You're supposed to be helping us unload!" Daniel said, walking up to the group.
"Fine. We'll come back." Sebastian said. Daniel looked skeptical.
"Thanks, I think." Then he looked at Bethany, "Hey, Benny."
"Love the hat."
"Thank you. I do too. Beats a sunburn anytime." Daniel nodded.
"I guess so. You coming?" He looked at the three brothers. Remington sighed, heavily.
"Yes, we're coming. See ya, B."
"Bye, Ratface. Have fun." Remington rolled his eyes and followed Daniel.
"See you later, Bumblebee." Sebastian gave her a quick hug and followed the other two with Emerson close behind him.
"Bye!" She called after them. She wandered around for a little longer before heading back to BVB's bus. Once there she climbed into her bunk and tried to get some sleep. But it was pointless. She was restless and overtired. And on the verge of tears. Stupid emotions. Stupid hormones. Stupid stupid.

It makes me a little sad that so few people are reading this, because I've put a lot of work into this and I have a lot of plans for it. Anyway, comment and vote.

Avery L.

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