{13} - The Ends Beginning

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Bethany was walking around, head in the clouds and bumped into someone.
"Fuck, I'm sorry." She looked up at the man she'd bumped into.
"'S okay, love. 'Appens to the best of us." He smiled. He had a beautiful British accent and floppy brown hair.
"Uh, I'm Benny."
"Call me Dom." She felt her cheeks heat up as he gave her a cheeky grin.
"Ok. Uh, I'm sorry. I-"
"Peanut?" She glanced over her shoulder then back at Dominic.
"I gotta go." She turned.
"Peanut!" Andy called again.
"Coming!" She jogged toward the tent. "Nice meeting you Dom!" She called over her shoulder.
"You too, Benny." She loved the way he said her name.
"Yes?" She asked when she reached the tent.
"I don't know what you did when you put the table away yesterday, but it's broken."
"It won't stand up anymore."
"Shit. I'm sorry." Andy shrugged.
"We'll fix it. I don't know how, but we will."
"Well I'm still sorry."
"Who was that you were just talking to?"
"Hmm? Oh, his name's Don. No idea who is. He's a Brit though. Very heavy accent."
"Kris!" And Bethany was gone. Jogging after Kris. The blonde turned and smiled.
"Benny! I was really hoping I'd find you again."
"Yeah. Tomorrow around oneish Palaye Royale said you can stop by their bus and they'll gladly do an interview with you. And Andy has to check but he thinks Thursday afternoon sometime he can at least have CC and Jinxx."
"Oh, thank you, so much! Uh, would you be up for doing an interview with me too?"
"Um. I guess so. Tonight?"
"That's perfect. Uh, let me just. . ." She dug through her bag and pulled out a small blue planner.
"I'm pencilling you in for six thirty. Does that work?" Bethany giggled. "What?"
"You're pencilling me in. It's funny. But yes, that works fine."
"Great. I gotta go, but here's my number." She scribbled her number on a piece of paper and handed it to Bethany. "Text me so I'll have yours and we can chat. I'm stuck on a bus with a bunch of guys and I imagine you are too, so if you need girl talk, I'm here."
"Thanks." Kris jogged off and Bethany put her number in her phone. She shot off a quick text to Kris so that she would have her number too before going to find somebody who wasn't busy. She accidentally walked into Dom again.
"We gotta stop meetin' this way, love." He said with a grin.
"Sorry." Bethany felt her cheeks heat up.
"'S okay. Who wouldn't wanna run into a beautiful girl like you?" He winked and Bethany blushed red as a tomato. Dom chuckled. "You're cute when you blush, Benny."
"I-I-" She didn't know what to say.
"Peanut! We need you at the tent." Andy said. She turned to look at him.
"Bye, Love. I hope you run into me again." He winked again.
"M-me too." She stuttered our before walking over to Andy. Andy was watching Dom. He didn't like it. "Sorry."
"No problem. Head on over. I'll be right there."
"Okay? Where are you going?"
"I left something on the bus."
"Oh." She nodded. "Okay." She headed for the merch tent, leaving Andy behind.


Two hours later Bethany was sweating buckets and she was bored out of her mind.
"Remington! Thank god! I'm so fucking bored I was actually considering doing push ups." She giggled. "Dance with me!" She exclaimed, she turned on her playlist and grabbed Remington's hand. "I'm kinda hyper right now! I drank a monster after already having a cup of coffee and I really need to just jump up and down." She jumped and kind of danced while Remington laughed and danced with her.
"You and the Beatles."
"The Beatles are fantastic!" She let go of his hands and started doing jumping jacks.
"You're insane."
"I know!" She laughed. "Jump with me!" She  grabbed his hand and he started jumping with her.
"This is kinda fun."
"It is!" Her phone started dinging. "Oh, shit. It's six. I gotta go." She turned the music off and started running toward a predetermining meeting place for her interview with Kris.


"Keep your hands off my sister." Andy said, glaring at Remington.
"You do realize I have a girlfriend, who I love very much. Ben is my friend and she held my hand not the other way around." He pointed out, raising his hands in surrender.
"Keep your hands off my sister." Andy said again.
"She's nineteen, let her make her own decisions. She's a big girl. She knows what she's doing."
"I didn't ask for your opinion, did I?"
"I'm just saying, don't strangle her. She's her own person."
"Just stay away from her, okay? She doesn't need someone fucking with her feelings just to fuck her and leave. So back off." Remington could tell by the look in Andy's eyes that he was serious.
"Whatever, man." Remington started to walk away. Unfortunately the conversation didn't end there.

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