{22} - Phone Calls & Carnivals

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Bethany woke to her phone ringing. She groped at her nightstand before finding her phone.
"What? What?" She mumbled.
"Sebster?" He laughed and she rubbed her eyes.
"Hi!" He said something else, but it was muffled and slurred and she couldn't understand.
"What? Are you drunk?"
"M'be a lil bit." He laughed again. "Miss you!" Bethany yawned and looked at the clock. 3:22 am.
"Larisa called it off. Said- said I 'sn't invested 'more an' she thought we should break up. I di'n't mean to hurt her." The next part was muffled and slurred again and she yawned.
"'Nd she said she 'sn't blame me. I di'n't want to break up. I don'-" he grunted and then there was a crash.
"Seb-" she yawned again, "Sebster? Are you okay?" He laughed.
"Fell over. M' knee hurts."
"Where are you?"
"Are you at home? At a bar? In the middle of the street?"
"Home. 'M in-" the rest was slurred together.
"Sebster I think you should get some sleep."
"No. Can't. 'M not tired." He said something else but she didn't catch it, then he started singing. "I just seen a face. I can' forget the time and place where we just met. She's jus' the girl for me and I wan' all the world to see we met." He hummed out of tune and Bethany giggled, "fallin' yes 'm fallin. And she keeps callin' me back again." Half way through the song he got muffled then she could hear him snoring softly.
"Night, Sebster." She said quietly. She ended the call, yawned and laid awake for another two hours before finally going back to sleep.



❤️liked by sebastiandanzig, ashleypurdyinc and 309 othersbennyharris IT KILLS ME EVERYTIME 😂😂😂^^^ ON ANOTHER NOTE PLEASE GO CHECK OUT MY UKULELE COVER OF DYING IN A HOT TUB

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❤️liked by sebastiandanzig, ashleypurdyinc and 309 others

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user1 that is amazing 😂😂😂
user2 babe your voice is beautiful!!!
sebastiandanzig where do you find these things?
krisisaverted wow that's all I can say wow😐
user3 user4 this is the girl I was telling you about
user5 😱😱😱❤️😍
remingtonleith I don't think I've ever loved anything as much as I love your cover of diaht 😂😂
user4 she's very interesting that's for sure
bennyharris THE INTERWEBS sebastiandanzig FIND MORE WORDS krisisaverted HOW DARE YOU remingtonleith
remingtonleith HOW DARE YOU bennyharris
bennyharris 🖕🖕 remingtonleith


Bethany's phone rang, bringing her out of her thoughts. She answered without looking at caller ID. She placed the phone between her shoulder and ear and continued to work on her drawing of Andy.
"Hey, Bumblebee."
"Oh. Hi, Sebster." She dropped her pencil and grabbed her phone. "How are you?"
"I've been better. I just wanted to apologize for last night."
"Do you even remember last night?" He sighed.
"Not entirely. I know I called you and talked about Larisa. Did I sing? Did I actually do that?"
"Yes. You're drunken version of I've Just Seen A Face is my new favorite thing." She giggled.
"Huh. I'm sorry about that."
"It's fine, really." There was a brief pause before she asked, "Got any amazing plans for today?"
"Remington and Emerson were talking about going to the carnival with Monica and Shy and said I should go too, so I might do that. You?"
"Nothing. I'll probably practice for a bit, but otherwise I'm not doing anything."
"Do you want to come to the carnival with us?"
"Are you sure?"
"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't." She smiled.
"Sure. What time?"
"That . . . is an excellent question. I don't know. I'll get back to you on that." There was a knock on Bethany's door.
"Come in." She said. Andy poked his head in.
"Lunch is ready."
"I'll be right there."
"I'll text you when I know what time we're going. See ya, Bumblebee."
"Okay. Bye." She ended the call and moved her sketchbook off her lap.
"Who was that?" Andy asked as they walked downstairs.
"Sebster." Half way down the stairs her phone buzzed as she received a text.

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