{8} - Ashley

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"Hey, Ass. Ash! I totally meant Ash." Bethany giggled and waved at Ashley. He rolled his eyes, but smiled.
"Hey Benny." He gave her a hug. "How've you been?"
"Meh." She shrugged. He nodded.
"Duh." Without another word he threw over his shoulder and started walking.
"This wasn't funny when I was little and it's not funny now. Put me down!" She wiggled around trying to loosen his grip.
"You walk like three feet behind me."
"It's not my fault my legs are so much shorter than yours." She wiggled some more before giving up and pouting. They walked into Walmart and he finally put her down. He grabbed a cart.
"Wanna get in?" She raised an eyebrow at him, but climbed, very ungracefully, into the cart. He wanted to see her and he needed to go shopping so she joined him. He pushed the cart around, dropping things in and carrying on a conversation with Bethany while doing so. She sat in the cart, lap full of things they didn't really need. Like monster and Cheetos.
"Have you seen much of LA yet?"
"Not really. Remington keeps saying he's gonna show me the sights soon, but we haven't actually gone anywhere."
"Huh. Well, from someone who lives here, check out the boardwalk. You won't be sorry. Especially in the evening."
"Hmm. I'll keep that in mind. Ooh, grab a bag of Swedish fish for me. I'll pay for 'em, I just can't reach 'em."
"I'll pay for them."
"You don't-"
"I want to. Shut up." She smiled up at him.
"We have a great relationship." He stuck his tongue out at her and turned a corner, almost taking out an older lady and her husband. Bethany made a feeble attempt at hiding her giggling behind her hand while Ashley apologized the the older couple.
"That was your fault."
"Whatever you say, Ass. Ash! Damn it! I keep slipping up." She gave him an innocent smile and he rolled his eyes.
"Hey, you wanna grab lunch when we're done here?"
"Is that even a question?" Ashley finished his shopping and checked out. They grabbed Taco Bell and took it back to Ashley's place. Ashley's place was about what you'd expect. Bachelor pad is just about the only way to accurately sum it up. It was small and clean, but disorganized and cluttered. He had a roommate who was there when Bethany and Ashley got there.
"Wow. Are you even legal?" Ashley's  roommate, Devon, had asked when she first walked in. Ashley had walked in past Bethany and slapped Devon upside the hide.
"Ben, this is Devon. Devon this Bethany. Andy's sister."
"Ah. My bad. Nice to meet you."
"Yeah. You too." Bethany carried the grocery bags into the kitchen and sat them down on the counter.
"Please ignore him. I did not know he was going to be here." Ashley said the last part loud enough for Devon to hear.
"Frida dumped me!" Devon yelled back.
"Shocker!" Sarcasm laced Ashley's voice.
"Mature." Bethany said. Ashley rolled his eyes.
"Shut up. Do you need a plate?"
"Nah." She grabbed the Taco Bell bag and sat down at the table. Ashley joined her.
"What? None for me?" Devon asked, faking hurt.
"If I'd known you were here maybe I would have brought you something." The tone he used told Bethany he wouldn't have brought food for Devon even if he'd known.
"Ooh Cheetos!"
"Those are mine! Hands off!"
"Spoil sport. Alright, well I'm gonna go. Nice meeting you Bethany, fuck you Ashley. I'll be back later." Devon left the kitchen. "We hitting a bar tonight?"
"Whatever." Ashley called back. The door slammed shut.
"I don't like him."
"Mm. Neither do I, put he helps pay rent and he cleans up after himself so. Besides I'm hardly here anyway." Bethany nodded. Her phone vibrated and pulled it from her pocket.

Rem - up for exploring?
Benny - sure
Rem - sounds fake but okay
Rem - can you be ready in twenty minutes
Benny - im ready now
Rem - even better
Benny - I'm at Ashley's place
Rem - Why?
Rem - that's probably rude, sorry B
Benny - he wanted to catch up we went grocery shopping
Rem - exciting
Benny - you know it
Benny - here's the address text me when you get here *insert random address here*
Rem - sure thing

"I gotta go. Rem and I are going sightseeing. He's coming to pick me up." She wolfed down her food.
"Okay. Thanks for shopping with me. You made it a lot more fun."
"No problem, Ass. Ash! I'm having such a problem with that today." She giggled and rolled his eyes. Remington texted that he was there.
"Alright. Bye, Ash."
"Bye, Benny." He stood and gave her a hug, kissing her temple before letting her go. She ran outside and climbed into Remington's car.
"Hey!" He said when she got in.
"Hey, Ratface. What's on the agenda?"
"Peterson Automotive Museum. I know that sounds dumb, but it's actually really cool." He glanced at her. She nodded and smiled.
"Whatever. I don't really care." Remington turned on the radio and Gerard Way's voice filled the car.
"I love this song." Bethany said.
"Me too. Oh fuck, that was our turn. Gotta reroute." He mumbled to himself while reading street signs and trying to decide where to turn. Bethany looked out the window and got lost in her thoughts.
"Ben? Whatcha thinking about?"
"Luke." She sighed. "I wasted two years on him. I gave him all my firsts. My first kiss, my first time, first date. I can't get that back."
"No, but you'll have first times with someone else. Someone better. Someone who'll love you." She gave him a weak half smile.
"I guess so, it's just-nevermind." She turned her attention back to her window. "There's some weird architecture around here."
"Ugh. Don't be like Em, please. I know way more about architecture than I wish I did." Bethany laughed and Remington smiled. Success.
"How's Monica?"
"Good. She's gone right now. Photo shoot someplace. She'll be back tonight."
"Cool." He nodded.
"We're going to the aquarium. You can come with if you want."
"I wish I could, but I'm going shopping with Shy."
"Ah. Maybe some other time."
"Mm. Maybe." Remington could tell she was still distracted and upset about Luke.
"Benny? Look at me." She did, "I promise you someday you're gonna find a great guy, who loves you and respects you and doesn't think you're boring or too opinionated. You just have to give it time." She smiled and nodded. Remington wasn't sure where the actually helpful advice came from, but it seemed to help.
"I know. Thank you. I just missing having someone to hold hands with and cuddle with while we watched movies." She was silent for a second, "I'm not asking you to do that with me, by the way, I know you have a girlfriend. I'm not stupid." He smiled.
"Thanks for clarifying."
"I will never understand public art." She said, changing the subject. Remington shook his head, but he didn't push. If she didn't want to talk about it she didn't have too.

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