{2} - Birthday Continued

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"Guess what, guess what, guess what!" Bethany said as soon as a face filled her phone screen. "You. . . are not Remington."
"No I'm not. Am I allowed to guess?" Sebastian asked.
"Uh. . . I guess so."
"You got something amazing for your birthday and you're really excited about it?"
"No shit, Sherlock." He grinned.
"You gonna tell me what it is or should I keep guessing?"
"I'm moving to LA! I'm gonna live with Juls and Panda! And I'm going on warped with BVB this summer!" Bethany grinned before setting her phone down and pulling her hair up into a ponytail.
"That's awesome! Happy birthday."
"We'll be on Warped this summer too." Bethany stared at him blankly for a few seconds before it clicked.
"Really?!" Sebastian laughed.
"Yeah. We-" he was cut off by Remington.
"What the fuck are you doing with my phone?"
"I'm talking to-" Remington took the phone.
"Oh! Ben."
"Bye Bumblebee." A slip up three days after meeting led to a permanent nickname.
"Bye Sebster!"
"Still not funny!"
"Always funny!" Bethany tried to hide a giggle behind her hand.
"Get out!" Remington said to his brother.
"Ow!" And then he threw something at him.
"Hey dipshit, quit throwing stuff at your brother and talk to me." Remington looked at the camera again.
"Sorry. What's up?"
"I'm moving to LA! With Panda and Juls! And I'm going on Warped with BVB!"
"Fuck yes! We're going on warped too!" He grinned.
"I know! Seb, told me. I'm so excited! I can't wait to see you!"
"Peanut!" Andy called from downstairs.
"Um-I should see what he wants. Bye Ratatouille!"
"Bye. Happy bday, Ben."
"Thanks." She blew him a kiss and ended the call.
"I'm coming!" She hurriedly changed her skirt for a pair of blue pajama pants and took her bra off before going downstairs. "What's up?"
"I have another birthday present for you." Andy held up a dvd case and two packages of candy.
"Howl's Moving Castle! And Swedish Fish And Reece's pieces!" She gave him a hug. He laughed.
"Yeah. Here. Put the movie in while I go put on a pair of sweats." He handed her the movie and candy before heading upstairs.
"Night, sweetie. Happy birthday." Their mom said.
"Night. Thanks, Mom." Their mom went upstairs. Bethany put the movie in and sat down on the couch with a blanket. Andy came back and sat down beside her.
"Is Juls joining us?"
"No. She has to catch an early flight tomorrow morning."
"You don't?"
"Nope. I'm here through your graduation and then I'm helping you move. Which reminds me we need to get boxes tomorrow." She nodded before opening her Swedish fish and sticking two in her mouth.
"'Mote's on the table." She said with her mouth full. Andy grabbed the remote off the table and turned the movie on. She offered him a Swedish fish.
"No thanks. I will never understand why you love those things."
"Me neither." Then she popped another one in her mouth.
"I still don't understand why you love this movie so much. The main guy isn't even attractive. He's whiny and annoying until the last ten minutes."
"The animation is amazing and it's so fucking weird. Plus it's a fun story."
"Whatever you say, Peanut." They watched the movie silently for a few minutes before her phone started ringing. Caller ID said Chuppy. She answered.
"Happy birthday, kiddo!"
"Appy birthday!" Anna yelled in the background. Bethany smiled.
"Excited for Warped? Oh, shit. Andy did tell already, right?" She laughed.
"Yeah he did. And I'm very excited. I can't wait to see you guys again. It feels like years since I've seen you. Pause the movie?" Andy paused the movie.
"Yeah. I can't believe you're nineteen. How the fuck did that happen? One day you're asking for piggy back rides and drumming lessons and the next thing you know you're nineteen, graduating high school, moving to L.A. It makes me feel old." Bethany giggled.
"I think you just are."
"Excuse you? I am not." She giggled and Andy raised an eyebrow.
"Are too. Should call you grandpa."
"Ooh. Do it. I fucking dare you."
"Maybe I will, Grandpa." Andy looked very confused.
"May I remind you that you will shortly be sharing a tourbus with me for a multiple months."
"Panda will protect me." Andy raised both eyebrows at that.
"Right. Anyway, just was wanted to say happy birthday and happy graduation, kiddo. See you in a few weeks."
"See ya." He ended the call.
"Grandpa?" Andy asked. "Why-you know what? Nevermind." Bethany laughed and stuck another Swedish fish in her mouth. Andy fell asleep before the movie ended and Bethany, rather than going up to her room, curled up beside him and drifted off.

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