One: The Tales of Abhorrence

547 43 270

"Close enough to touch, close enough to hope you couldn't see."

- Sparks Fly, Taylor Swift

**I'll have to remind that most of the chapters are unedited. Do forgive me for any grammar errors and probably do me a favor like correcting em :) Also, English isn't my first language so bear with me guys. :")



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"Layla, can you not?" I half-whispered, my eyes witnessed her undivided attention to a certain good looking guy who was sitting with his hockey team.

And the guy just apparently glanced at her constantly.

Tsk. Give me a break.

My hand itched to go grab the dude by his collar and smack his face at Layla's so they could just get over it.

I rested my chin on my knuckles. "Now tell me again," I sighed. "Why did you guys break up?"

Yeah, tell me again.

Layla's full lower lip curved into a scowl, her nose scrunched in disbelief as she sipped her drink for the dramatic pause. "Because he cheated on me," Her face turned cherry red again "with a fucking guy, his own twat of a teammate!"

Luckily, the cafeteria was obscenely loud and no one could hear whatever the hell she was saying - cursing - out of that dude.

"I can't even believe that the fucktard didn't tell me he was a fucking bisexual, I mean it's the twentieth-century for crying out loud! I wasn't going to judge his sexual preferences but cheating is a flipping nuisance! If I could castrate his wiener of a dick and hang it on the flag pole-"

Her mouth spewed explicitly vivid imagery.

"Whose dick is she going to hang and ouch?" Beck interrupted, his bushy eyebrows knitted as he slides into a vacant seat beside Layla. At the same time, Gwyneth placed her tray next to mine before chuckling in amusement.

"Hamilton's." Gwen cackled as she started to devour her lunch. "And kudos to him for inviting you into a threesome."

I snorted. "You should've accepted it. I thought you've been fantasizing of having an orgy?"

"Fuck you." Layla flipped us with the finger, and then to Jace Hamilton's direction.

"You don't swing that way, " I sang before dusting my academy blazer with non-existent dusts.

"Sue me, you-" Layla was about to pick up where she left - the one she swore she would hang his dick on the flag pole - but Beck's glare shut her up. "Your bickerings, are starting to cut my temper short." He warned, taking a bite on his egg sandwich.

"Well, I find it soothing." Gwen piped in, somehow made both me and Layla swung our fists in the air childishly. Beck rolled his eyes, dissatisfied that Gwen sided with us.

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