Ten: Lover boy II

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"I don't know," he admitted. "I wish I did. What I do know is that whatever I do, I want to do it with you."

The Orchid Affair, Lauren Willig



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I sighed as a strong arm—damn you musclesgripped my shoulder and sending me into a halt. Numerous students were watching and I didn't like any second of that.

Ah lord.

"I thought we've already sorted this out, Charles." I spoke softly, didn't dare to look upon his eyes. The kind of attetion was bugging me, this is totally going to renounce my name into the love rumor mills.

"We haven't finished, Stella. Running away in the middle of discussion is certainly not the way I'd say things had been sorted out." He replied grimly, his grip on my shoulder loosened as he spoke. I found myself turning around to face him, knowing he told the truth. I pumped my fist, "I said, not here Charles. I was going to text you to meet me at Hundrey's tonight," I explained through my gritted teeth, my face was probably as red as the beet root. And I probably twisted some lie and made it up. I planned on dallying the whole thing until I have the courage.

Dang it I'm a fool.

How I wish I had Time Stoneif I could steal it from Thanosand zip my mouth than encounter more truths I'd rather not face at this stage.

His face softened, his dark brown hair disheveled due to practice and he was still in his shorts and sleeveless jersey. Charles had always looked good, of course he would! He's the golden boy of the academy for crying out loud, but the past is past. I might've had snatched the most fanciest catch, but I won't do anything about it—I mean him.

Why lord, why me?

Middle school, yeah, I was smitten with him. Brown hair and green eyes were the definition of my Prince Charming. But it was a long time ago, when I was intrigued at the sound of being in a relationship that meant sincerely for fun and fooling around and getting hearts broken meaninglessly at the end.

I wasn't like that anymore.

"Fine then." he sighed in defeat, his eyes penetrated my eyes. "I'll see you at Hundrey's around eight." he surrendered, then his back facing me almost immediately as he paved straight to the basketball court.

I closed my eyes for seconds—in hopes to ease my chaotic head, not knowing what the hell I was going to tell him tonight—then I saw Jude Vyner, the lunatic karate girl gave me a sympathetic look. "Wanna join me chop some pine woods?" She offered kindly, her eyebrows raised prettily. "You know, to chop the problems away?" She shrugged like it was the most normal thing to do.

I let a laugh, then nodded slowly.



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