Seven: Kigazette twists

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"The sweetest smiles hold the darkest secrets..."

-Sara Shepard, Flawless (Pretty Little Liars, #2)



Tugging uncomfortably on my sketchy hat, I watched Nate skillfully stitch the chip he just retrieved from his friend's electronic shop onto the file.

"And what was the brilliant idea the lord just give you?" Gwen expressed her curiosity. Nate sighed, his fingers flicked the chip, just to make it attached intactly.

"This, my ladies," he wavered his hands at the small microchip now disguised behind the file lock "is a GPS micro chip, or in easy term, your local tracking chip. Like in find your iPhon-"

"Scratch that Denovo, we get it!" I disrupted his soon-to-be long ramble, and glanced at my phone watch. We had ten minutes, before meeting the Anon. Myself couldn't surpass the thrill that streamed in my blood, as exciting as it sounded, we might be in danger. For the record, the Anon guy could be a perperator about to be admitted into his mandatory punishment but got could away with it, with the help of this file.

So, we waited. In front of the poorly painted semi-detached houses, Keagan street that everyone in Rosefalls knew were contaminated with the poors, stoners and street gangsters. My eyes averted to worried Gwen, as she was texting her boyfriend about our whereabouts and what we were pulling. Nate huffed impatiently, "People are staring, how did he expect everything to go smooth here?"

True, a kid wearing a thrift shop shirt pointed at Nate's truck. I really need to alert the socialites for charity gathering, wanting to help these people suffering from poverty, in a very wealthy state.

I frowned at him, "I don't think fancy cars are normal sights here." Swatting his chest, I craned my neck to look for any signals for the Anon.

God, they would sell me into slavery or prostitution, I'd have to be beggars or sex dolls for some perverted old horny dudes. Pray tell me no masochists were involved.

"Stells, stop that. You're imagining that plot twist in your head again." Nate scolds me for the second time this day, he wasn't a fan of my plot twist.

What a pussy.

"Well you know people say, expect the worst;" My fingers did the air quote at him before we suddenly yelped. A sleek blue Mercedes that had wanted to park next to us accidentally screeched the right side, the driver was surely in a rush. Nate gritted his teeth. He'd probably cry from the possible scratches the blue Merce might've done to his precious truck.

"Damn it! You fucking bastard, I just got it resprayed last week, dipshit!"

Either Nate was Layla's long lost brother, bullshit, I mean twin.

"Stella? Nate?" A familiar voice shakily greeted our eardrums. I gripped Nate's arms to keep him from choking the guy's neck. "Shit, I scraped your truck didn't I?"

Gwen stepped out from the truck, curiosity clouded her. "Gwen? W-what are you all here?"

What was Jimmy Anders doing here? Like he's terrified of someone, did his family found out?

My mind flashed back when he did the deed with the coach, my nose scrunched a little in disgust but couldn't help but to wonder whether he seduced the coach to make it on the team.

"Jim, we're uh.... visiting an old friend," I covered in dispute lies, still unsure with his intentions being here.

Gwen raised her left eyebrow, "What are you doing here, Jim? You look scared."

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