Twenty Five: Friends

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"So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye,"

- Queen

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            Beckett was being awfully late! It would only took five minutes drive from Falkov to Prudence, and yet, it had been almost forty-five minutes since our FaceTime. My phone vibrated, which I expect

But then, I gulped, beads of sweat started to form on my forehead as I watched my phone rang, a certain blue eyed boy that I forgot to ring.


How the hell did I forget to tell him!

Reluctantly, I swiped right, answering the call. Ag! He was Nate's best friend for crack's sake!

"H-Hello," I stuttered, my phone was pressed to my left ear, my right hand gripped the plastic spoon with some cornflakes bit sticking to it.

Upon hearing his breathe, it gave me butterflies, a part of me was giddy even.


There was a traffic noise on the other side; honking, wind blowing and car engines revving. "Hello," he greeted distantly, then clearing his throat awkwardly. "Bronte called me,"

He paused.

It's a cue you idiot, he wants to know if you're listening.


"She called?"

He murmured a yes, "And she told me about Nathan, well, while sobbing," Dominic sounded rather irritated — and worried too — at the last part, which suggested he already knew about Nate landing in the hospital. At the mention of sobbing, I could guess that he hadn't got a clue about the real situation there, the ones Dr. Bormann informed us.

"She told me to call you," he added with a puzzled tone and there was a slight pang to my face realizing that he wasn't calling me because he wanted to.

There, there.

"Oh," I tightened the grip on the spoon, "I was there with her," I bit my cheeks. "Talking with the doctor."

There was no response from him, all I heard was the occasional soft wind rustling and men's chatter on the background. He was probably sitting in a bus, at the most front row with an adjustable window to his side.


"I'm just a few seconds away from booking the first flight home, Stella." It was a first. He didn't call me Estella.

You selfish goat, he was obviously impacted about his best friend!

"Will he be alright?" he choked out the words, sounding unmistakably agonized to the core. I nodded, then realizing that he wouldn't able to see that.

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