Nine: Human leaking pipe

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"You know what? You make me feel safe. I never knew that's what I wanted.."

-How to Find Love in a Book Shop, Veronica Henry



I felt a wet patch on my palm, then a pant of breath on my cheek. Nudging my face, as if urging me to wake up from my deep comatose.

"Barbar?" I croaked out, earning a bark as a respond then he licked my face almost immediately. Chuckling, I caught the puppy and cooed him like a baby.

Bar absolutely loves that.

"Why are you waking me up so early, Bar? I was dreaming a fantastic life, being shipped off to the Carribean with a handsome prince for our honeymoon." Scratching his belly, I was pretty sure I looked horrible enough to frighten one of my brothers once they barge in with my long hair tangled in a mess. Unpretty way, I'd admit.

Bar ran to his bowl, nudging it with a whimper.

Oh you fool, of course the dog's hungry. You slept like twelve hours after the party last night.

"Let's get you some food then." I staggered slightly as I rose from my comfy bed, the hangover wasn't that bad since I drank a little last night, not in my usual partying hard mode. Especially after the thing with Charles last night, I'd rather not remember anything.

Remorse. Regret.

After pampering Bar with loads of food, still in my pajamas, I went down to grab some food, uh probably brunch since you know, between breakfast and lunch, you combine it and walla, a brunch.

I was ridiculous on mornings.

The living room clearly was occupied by Matt, playing video games as usual. Chris was reading the newspaper at the lounge chair, immediately threw an insult as he saw me. "How's your coma, did you meet Jesus?" He remarked, knowing I passed out for a very long time. I saw the clock tower in our house, it was twelve forty nine in the afternoon. Screw brunch, I'll just have lunch then.

"I think I did, and he told me to remind you to visit church. Long time no see, he said." Annoyed, I swing the refrigerator open and took cinnamon toast cereal and milk.

Christian snorted in response.

Funny, I glanced at the living room and thought I saw a certain golden haired dude punching his fist in the air. Great, I'm seeing things now.

Climbing onto the island, I sat across Christian and started rambling about random things.
Spooning a mouthful of cereal, I hummed in agreement at his statement. "...don't get it at all, when the other son clearly was in love with Roz, did they have to separate at all? I didn't get to the ending, but what kind of freak does that?" We were talking about the movie Adore, the romance between two mothers with their best friend's son. Like a swap, and two hot guys all. "—totally have the hots for Naomi Watts, no offense. She's gorgeous that's all." Chris rambled, folding the newspaper, as we chatted more about Roz's son cheated on Lilly, with a younger girl, "How are they like two good looking men, and others had to look shitty, like—look at those abs, swimming around with their surfboards," He pointed out at the images from the movies, he made me googled it just so he could complain more about the movie. "Chris, are you having anxieties watching these two grab the hottest milf in town?" I can't help but to grin, his face turned sour. "I'm a fan of Naomi Watts, I have to." He stated like a fact of a serious matter, not prancing any jokes. "There cowboy, this is just a movie for god's sake. No one's stealing your Naomi Watts," His face looked at eased when I assured him no other creature would've snatch his idol, I noticed something was wrong with Christian. He seemed more childish than he usually does.

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