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"This is exactly why we won't last,"

He slammed his fist on the table, anger was prominent on his expression. "Can you stop that? You're making it all seems bad when it's not!"

Sobs escaped my lips, I grabbed my purse to leave the table. It was hard.

Dominic caught my arm, holding it tight. "Please don't do this." his voice thick, wavered. "Don't leave me." He rested his chin on my shoulder, his arms lingered around my waist.

It was tempting. To be with him, and stay. But it was hard to keep up, he was so confusing, and it hurted her.

I'd misunderstand but he never wanted to communicate, he'd shut me off until he pretends nothing ever happened. The angst building up, the pent up resentment I had been growing.

He had wanted a quiet, private relationship. Reserved only between them.

But I wanted a public relationship, where I could flaunt him and brag about his new record or the way his muscles flex like no other. I liked the calculative look he had before he jumped, bouncing with a gleeful look on the mattress. And post instagram stories of him, using different cute filters.

I couldn't commit a quiet relationship. It was not myself, I could get jealous really quickly if no one called me his girlfriend. Or watch girls flirt the with the cold guy.

Even tonight, he reserved a secluded dining area for them.

Was I embarrassing him? Or did he have other girlfriends that he was scared I'd find out?

It was too much for me. And it made me unhappy.

Aren't relationships supposed to make you happy?

So I shook my head, relentlessly, as my tears streamed like a river. Dramatic, I know. But my tears were drenching the scarf that I wrapped around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Nic. If I don't leave now, I don't think if I'll ever able to walk away later, and I—" My breath hitched, consequence of the cries.

"And I like you so much that I will treasure this moment." I continuously wipe my tears using the scarf, as it come in handy.

"Estella. Don't."

I broke free from his grasp, then faced him bravely. Staring at his face, how he too had cried a little, but still very handsome to my eyes.

I laughed, although it was a bit hoarse from crying, it felt really good. "Let's stay friends, shall we?"

I didn't want to stain our memories any longer.

He didn't reply with anything, as he stood silently, brooding. His enchanting eyes never left me, almost make me wanting to stay.

Well, almost.

My smile disappeared, and I began to walk away. Leaving him. Technically, he'll leave me later, back to Dakota.

We'll stay friends, right?

And I'd still have a lot going on in the future.


End of Here In Rosefalls

Hello there everyone!
This is a closure for the Stominic ship, as we've already wrapped up the potrayals of her friends during the 30th chapter. I am sorry if the epilogue is not how any of you imagined it, but it is what it is. (I'm quoting a character in Lady Adventure hshshs)

Reality can be different from what we've thought. In Estella's perspective, eventhough she's obsessed with Dominic doesn't mean that he'd live to her expectation when they dated. They have very different preferences and couldn't work it out.

Or, some might just say, they simply met the right person at the wrong time.

It's a wrap people!

Thank you so much for supporting the story and I hope the same for Lady Adventure!

Do check it out!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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