Twenty Four: Ugly Crying

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"Just know that I, I'm fine tonight,"

— Zara Larsson

— Zara Larsson

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              Distracted, I find myself staring at my freshly manicured nails, embedded with a glossy finish. Credits to the large french window beside the counter, I was in awe with the pale shimmerings when I basked under the sunlight.

It was rather a rash decision when I asked my Uber driver to make a full turn to the city, straight to Luxuria's nail parlor. A huge part of me couldn't stand the idea of curling on top of my bed, crying to sleep and burdened with regrets.

My dog was probably sick of seeing me cry, after all.

After thanking the petite girl that willingly rescheduled my appointment, I used the back exit to enter the shopping complex only to find the mall was compact with people hunting for their lunch place. Luckily for me, I knew every nook and crook of Prudence by heart, the result of spending my time here whenever Layla skipped her extended digital art class, Beckett bailed his band practice or accompanying Gwyneth to buy the latest season of Prada after school hours. During weekends, the three of us — sometimes Nate and Piper would join us too — would try the indoor themepark and watch new movies together, help Beckett grocery shopping since he liked cooking so much or buying Christmas gifts together during our childhood.

Well, not anymore.

Shoving the dark thoughts off my head, despite knowing there wouldn't be a single restaurant that weren't full with people, I had a slightest idea where to eat at, where people wouldn't usually eat during the freezing weather.

The frozen yogurt, of course.

Debating whether or not I should disobey my less sugar resolution, my mind was made up. I would only have the original yogurt flavor, topped with peppermints and cornflakes.

Slipping through packed mall, I managed to glance at my nails quite a few times while I paced, still admiring how gorgeous the shimmer was and smiled to myself when I saw vacant seats inside YogurtLand. Aside from two kindergarten girls with their mom, the shop was pretty much deserted. And I was content with that.

When my frozen yogurt cup — as promised, topped with peppermints and cornflakes was weighed for the price, I fished for my phone inside my purse and decided to disable the Do Not Disturb mode. Concerned if anything might happen to Nate.

Then, after picking the best spot facing scenery of tall buildings and cars trapped in traffic congestion, I shoved a spoonful inside my mouth. Unlike other delightful flavors, the original one tends to be a tad bit sour than others, but then balanced with sweetness. My mouth would water for the first spoonful, but then I would get used to it. I usually preferred mango flavored yogurt, but then, considering that my metabolism was unkind enough, I had to refrain myself from consuming sweets most of the time.

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