Five: Draw him like one of my french girls?

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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

-Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë



"Amidst everything, why can't you just ask your mom?" It was undeniable that Beck's suggestion was something none of us had thought of. All of us stood in thick silence, awaiting Gwyneth's opinion.

It felt as if Jasmine was long gone, since we all haven't met in a long time.

But that particular suggestion had strucked Gwen in silence. Probably hit a nerve or two. Her lips then curled in disdain, "Me, talking to her?" She scoffed in madness.

Well, I'd atleast give her some credits for emphasizing the word 'she' like the word 'bitch' or 'dick-craved psycho'.

"Er, you could try?" Layla hesitated then received one of the most deadliest stare an individual could give.

Extraordinary, she was.

"Try?" She spat, "I'd rather get sucked into a meat-grinder," she muttered in a haste, paced three strides away from our irregular circle. After the shocking news Nate delivered yesterday, almost all of us instinctively gathered at my house—we had a strong Wi-Fi connection here—to discuss further.

People might think, why didn't we just call the FBI or any notorious PI?

Truthfully, I did suggested this method beforehand, but none of us thought that it'd be a great idea. The Anon warned Nate to never include any special forces in this, and that just made us shrilled in fear.

Not a single soul would want to know what happens after we called the police.

My eyebrows knitted in confusion, "I thought you're worried about Jasmine, think it through G. You might hate her for leaving you, but don't you have a slightest curiousity of what this behelds?" My arms flailed to gesture our laptops searching for linked cases and informations.

I could see her eyes wanting to know, but her mouth was denying.

Suddenly, a message popped on my Kigazette browser—a private browser Nate purchased and downloaded it in my laptop—urging us.

"Gwyneth has a beautiful ring to death right? All of you are probably wondering why she didn't die?" - Anon

"Here's your first step, it's nothing hard since her friends could pull it off..." - Anon

"Steal the file in your principal's room. Figure it out, where he save his belongings; contact me as soon as you're done. Good luck? I don't think you'll need it. " - Anon

Layla quickly typed a reply.

"What file, genius?" - User4821

The three of us—Beck went to the bathroom as soon as the messages popped—stared blindingly at ny laptop's screen, somehow the shrills of terror made the hair on the back of my neck stand.

"Ah, I forgot, there's only one file inside the safe." - Anon

Layla huffed, "Getting inside, no problem," then she threw her hands in the air, "But how are we going to figure Tim's fucking thumb print and face password!"

Well, we had a history trying to break into Tim's—our principal— safe. It was where he would store his belongings, and very important things like Beck's laptop since he kept dozens—embarrassingly porno videos in unlocked files that clearly suggests a file for his pleasure.

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