Twenty One: Remedy

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“Joy gives me my last regret,”

— Lopez, 808 State

N/p: Jamais Vu, BTS


"For real?" I scrutiny him along with an unsure smile

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"For real?" I scrutiny him along with an unsure smile. He nodded vigorously while loading his luggage inside my Ford. "Nic, seriously?" I asked again, now with less disbelief tone. I slapped his back, grinning.

Dominic exhaled, rolling his eyes.

"Why do you find it so hard to believe?"

"Duh, you never left your car with me. That's new!" I cheered, sliding inside and starting the truck. It reeked of junk foods and alcohol, Dominic's greatest enemy. I glanced at the back mirror, noticing that he was closing the trunk. I snatched an air freshener that I'd keep around incase he rode the truck with me, and sprayed the whole car.

After satisfied sniffing around, I shoved the spray bottle back under my seat.

Hard work.

The passenger front door swung open, "I think you need to lock it, I can't lock the damn trunk." He panted.


My ass was warm, my legs were warm. I took another swig of the bottle, relinquishing the need to distract myself.

Thank God I bought a soft purring engine. The expense was worth it.

Right after sending Dominic off to the airport later than scheduled —since he decided he'd miss the supposed early flight— I figured that getting drunk on top of my truck sounded appealing.

Alcohol was my remedy. I needed remedy.

Dominic knew my heavy drinking habits, and scolded me repeatedly. Even went as far as thrashing the beer refrigerator inside my room.

I didn't talk to him for a day.

No one would understand, or might as well influenced with the social stigma.  Living as a guy was hard too, we might not have any sexual oppresion or inequality. Men were the tallest in Rosefalls hierachy, a sick rank. It didn't mean each of us were treated fairly, sexual harassment towards men were taken lightly. I could even hear people talking, 'A boy raped by a girl? No way!'.

I couldn't bring myself to think about that further. Too unbearable.

Being away felt good, when I could determine what I could sincerely feel.

To add another burden to my sagging mind; being the one taking blame for Gwyneth's death and Jimmy's sexuality. The last warning from the Anon totally drove me away from my friends. From Layla, Stella, Beckett and Pipere.

If it didn't drove me away, it probably made them stayed out of my reach.

Pitiful life, Nathaniel. The burning taste of liquor healed me, the more I took, the quicker I could drift out.

Rosefalls is so fucked up. I'm so fucked up.

And the tracker, why would the Anon get so mad when we tried tracking him. One that made him end Gwyneth's life, mercilessly. What did the girl ever did to him?

I wanted to sob, loudly. I wanted to cry, not like a man. I wanted to wail, for the trouble I caused.

The sky was hazy to my sight, my vision slowly dissipated into shades of grey. Flecks of light were blinded, as I shut my eyelids close.

Just maybe, maybe, the joy of drinking would become my last regret.

Save me.


Short and sweet POV from Nate. What do you think? And yes, Dominic didn't tell Nate about his blossoming relationship with Stella.


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