Four: Brainwreck and Mochis

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And yet... no matter how often he told himself that, he still couldn't shake the image of her radiant hair or wise eyes. Who needed the sun if you were around her?

- Kisses From Hell (Sunshine, Richelle Mead)



A slice of cake.

How could someone even guess what kind of hint this was?

Despite the competitive intuitive inside, begging me to start running like everyone else. I couldn't help but to feel dumbstrucked with the clue given to me.

Slanting my eyes at the clue, I huffed in disbelief then gazed around. Well, there were quite a few of students, standing still staring at their own clues.

Trying to figure what the fuck it was trying to tell.

Candles? I need to find candles or some famous birthdates?

Think you foolish wacko, with that tiny little brain of yours. Ah fuck!

Eggs? Baking powder? Granulated sugar?

I squatted down, shading my face from the  sunlight with the clue. A realization dawned upon me as I stared at the grassy ground, with little flowers.



"I get it!" Yelling, I finally launched myself to my supposed direction. The few others staggered at the sight of me running, challenged.

The bust of wind throwing my ponytail bouncing left and right, as I jumped in laughter.

There was a bakery known for storing their ingredients down in the floor. It was weird, but how come I didn't figure that out in splitting seconds.

At least, someone gets to eat.

There were students running in every direction, like they were ambushed in zombie apocalypse— I've always imagined about that—trying to finish their task for the last hunt.

I had always loved watching this game when I was back in middle school to watch bunch of high school students, dispersed. Some tripped while running, some shouting in victory and some crumpled down the clue letting out strings of curse words—kind of where Layla learned bad words from.

Fun watching, but playing? Absolutely not. Not once in my life, have I ever take a liking to brain games like this.

"Stiletto," the boy panted for air, both his hands were on his hip. Beads of sweats glistened down his hair, his forehead and his arm. His hair dishevelled, perhaps from running too fast for each clues, his shirt was stained with multiple of stamps, acknowledging his successful attempts in this game.

Glancing down my shirt, well I had one stamp from the bakery though. And some stain from the apple pie Mama Ferdinand gave me.

"You're not even trying, " he squinted his eyes at me, as always insulting me. My left hand held my supposedly second clue—I never bothered to read the next clue anyways—I was done guessing and wanted to watch people play.

For good.

Quirking both my eyebrows, I rolled my eyes. "And what about it?" Muttering, I turned my back on him to continue on stare at Jamie dancing like a clown in front of an old couple.

This guy needs to stop showing up during times like this.

He let out a grunt of annoyance, before yanking my wrist. "You have the same clue as I do," Evidently showing me his slightly crumpled and moistened clue as a proof, then dragged me in haste. Few students stopped on their track just to watch us argue.

"Now can you run any faster?"

"What, no! Go run alone you barbarian!" I slapped his fingers that have been gripping my wrist. But he held still, making a are-you-serious look.

"I'm just trying to help,"

"Manhandling!" I screamed.

"—you," He said like it was a matter of fact, I drilled my eyes at him. "Well, don't!"

"I'll give you that mochi on the clue." 

"What clue?" Ignoring me, he scanned his clue. Figuring out. Before retorting back coldly, "I don't think you've even read that clue yet." His forehead wrinkled slightly as he tried to figure the shit out of the clue.

Damn, that's kind of hot.

"You spawn of sata—" Swoosh, I almost tripped as he started to bolt.


Deceived like I'd always been, everyone received their own mochi at the end of the game. Fortunately, the clue we had were the last one for him making it less for me endure his torturous presence.

I can't believe I fell for the mochi trick.

Joining my friends who were at their most peculiar state. Beck slapping Gwen's back, Gwen groaning in relief. Piper and Nate were also there, watching Gwen's getting an untrained massage from the boyband wannabe.

"Hey," Plopping right next to them, memories of Monday evening made me wonder once again.

Last trilogy of Beaumont.

"Ello, Stells."

"Ello, Nate, what's with the variety of greeting fetish you're having?" My tongue savored the matcha flavored mochi.

"Mmph, thish ish goodhmph!" Exclaiming in delight, Layla dived next to me before greeting everyone. "Have mine, I hate these." Piper handed her pack of mochi at Layla as she continued watching Gwen moaning in relief as if her back pain had reduced.

"There, there, oh god! That feels so good..." She groaned, which might've gave away bad thoughts for others all around us.

Some guys from the lacrosse team were glancing weirdly at our circle. "Don't worry, I got this," Layla assured to Gwen before threatening the lacrosse dudes. "Hey bastards, haven't got a massage before?"

"Well, no surprise, Layla. No surprise at all." Beck shouted beside Gwen, no longer slapping her back like the obedient man-slave he was...

"I'm always entertained whenever I'm around you bunches but anyways, Gwen," Nate's tone suddenly got serious. His attention was fully on Gwen that moment.

"About the article you told me to, uh, inspect. Yeah, I've done few searches in the Kigazette search engine and found some useful thing. In fact, while I was surfing on the browser... I got a message from Anon."

"What's an Anon?" Layla whispered and nudged me on my left rib. I sighed in disbelief. "Are you being serious, it's all over Twitter, idiot."

Gwen turned attentive, her left hand still rubbing her back. "What did it say?"

Nate rubbed his chin, "It's quite funny to me that it's a he, and shares the same last name with your mom. I'm not sure if it's a way to say 'come and find me' but for sure," A suspicious glaze surfaced on his slightly narrowwed eyes.

"—he is associated with the conspiracy to take you or your mom down."


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