Eight: Hoop, the ball or Jimmy?

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"I am here and I am looking at her. And she is so beautiful. I can see it. This one moment when you know you're not a sad story. You are alive, and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder."

— The Perks of Being a Wallflower



Tapping furiously at my keyboard, my eyes were probably shooting lasers now.

1003, 1013, 1125...

My fingers were worn out, lacking muscles and that was when I lose. A victorious yell came out from Matthias, kicking his legs in the air. "You can't beat me, I'm the sifu!" He boasted while puffing his chest repetitively. Well, I wouldn't admit it in front of him as long as I'm alive.

"I should strangle you,"

"And murder your favorite sibling?" Matt feigned a gasp, then snatched his phone from me swiftly. "You'd never win you know, let's just say I have my ways." Snapping his fingers full of attitude, Matt stood up. "What time is Chris's flight?"

I took a bite on my browning apple, "Dhonmhm knoughr," My voice muffled as I perfectly know how much my younger brother hates people talking with their mouths full.

He groaned in disgust, "Ack, you disgusting chunk of meat." I rolled my eyes, "Don't you have Natalie as your partner? Poor you, I don't even want to know the reason you asked her in the first place," Eventually, I shivered, realizing that the room heater weren't switched open. As lazy as I was, I had to make sure none of us died from frozen ass this evening.

As a respond, Matt grunted then turned on the television. Most probably, he was sick at me trying to pry into his pathetic sad life. Bah, this ungrateful bastard.

My dog, Bar were currently at the vet, he had to undergo some injections and cleanse wash since Matt was highly sensitive with furs but loves dogs way too much. He practically pranced around my room when he saw Bar wagging his tail on my bed.

The next morning, he had sniffles and dad told me to bring Bar to the vet after ruffling the dog with much love. Bar is going take the spotlight after this, especially when Chris and mom came home.

"Kids these days, the older they get, the annoying they are." I muttered in distaste. Matt straight up ignored me, grabbing his game consoler.

My phone rang, and it was my mom. "Hello boss lady," Greeting her chirpily, I saw the strange look Matt threw me. "Your dad told me that the cook is on leave. Have you feed your brother?"

"Mom, we have endless cereal supplies. He can live with that."

Mom sighed on the line, resulting my laughters to erupt abruptly.

"I need to visit the church more, the lord haven't forgiven my sins yet." Then let out a soft laughter along with mine. "How's your brother honey? I haven't seen him since the summer break."

Her voice were laced with tiredness, probably stressed with her duties.

"He's going through the emotional teenage phase. Even more annoying."

My ma, Vivian Porter-Dumont was a surgeon, now on her way to become a specialist. So she was busy as a bee for years and barely bat an eye since day one. We rarely meet, but when she had the time, she'd contact us immediately—plus going on dates with my father. Her schedule nowadays were slightly lenient than usual since she would be recognized as a specialist soon. And that means she'd be moving in back with us.

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