Nineteen: Social Pariah

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“The more you love, the more it hurts,”


I could care less if my snots were all over Chris's torso, or how loud was I wailing in pain after watching where the heads were turning at the clearings

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I could care less if my snots were all over Chris's torso, or how loud was I wailing in pain after watching where the heads were turning at the clearings.

Forests were supposed to make people go away at night, to be frightened if they'd be ferociously ripped to pieces by wolves or tigers. Instead of the buzzing silence, loud sirens and murmurs were heard throughout the atmosphere. Blinding red and blue lights caused people to turn their back on the famous black and white cars, sometimes glancing at a particular body, dead body.

Chris continuously tried to soothe me, caressing my head, letting me rely on him.

"Sh, I think you should be with your friends now. You guys need each other," He advised, patting my back as he beckoned me to them. I slowly nodded and headed towards a peculiar scenes, the two boys were all tensed up and the girl was actually hugging Indigo, no words were exchanged.

Mourning over their loss.

I could see my friend's body even closer right now. My fingers trembled, my teeths were chattering due to the cold weather. A white cloth was laid on top of her, her left leg dangled limp, her body was on top of a piled logs. A dried opaque liquid trailed her leg, like it dripped to the ground.

My eyes swelled with tears again, my heart crumpled over the heartbreaking view. Shattered into pieces, a wave of realization panged me in the face. I could never hear her posh accent ever again, whenever the prim and proper girl tried to swear off things. Or when she ditched her therapy session whenever she felt bitchy and mad. Instead of watching her straighten the crease of her skirt, there were two forensic officers, inspecting the scene.

A yellow tape circled the scene, only allowing investigators and officers to track inside. I saw Mr. Purdom inside, he looked worn out and heartbroken. An officer was consoling him while the other talked to him, asking questions to progress their case, able to proceed with the next step.

Find the murderer. Solve the case.

Not find the murderer to bring her back to life.

Sympathy looks were everywhere, whenever I made eye contacts with the people. I ignored them and shot straight to Beck and Nate.

" fault. I shouldn't have placed the tracker there," Nate faced the thick woods, both hands were pressing his head. His voice was regretful. "I said, stop it." Beck warned, his soulful eyes were brimming in tears.

We knew that Nate would blame himself for the tracker he placed, but it managed to snatch important details we could source to the security enforcers.

Was it worth it, Stella? Your friend was killed because of it, and you're not regretting it? At all?

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