Twenty Two: Runaway

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"You can fool yourself and everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know who you are."

- Yondu, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


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              I stepped backwards, slowly having a full view at the canvas, rich with hues of blue. Describing the art, would be hard, since I have little idea of what was supposed to be potrayed on it.

But if there was a word to represent it, it would be remorse.

Her murder wasn't just a murder, it was a murder meant to set scandals. Meant to make some issues set aflame, but in a rather conniving way. Jimmy Anders and Bradley Simmons or Beaumont—whoever the hell he was— were going through a scarring process, lowering their hierachy in social ranks. One that was never supposed to even exist. All I could conclude was, Rosefalls were full of homophobics and xenophobics.

The ministry, every single one of them despise changes and owns the most shallowest pair of minds.

I, for once, used to neglect the viciousness. Even going as far as critisizing them, disgusted at the fact that same gender relationship were absurd. Jesus tested me, for sure, as my brother came out, telling he didn't mind marrying a guy or a girl. They had to phone the ambulance after I choked on my Sprite.

And I almost reached the light of death, at that very moment.

Our Pa were engulfed in a silence—when I finally regained consciousness, he was thinking so hard that he didn't realize Klive and I fell asleep in the living room, leaning on each other's head. Well, not until he turned his head, only to laugh so hard, startling us from our short nap.

It was so scary, that Klive and I held hands, despite my current despisal at him.

"I won't disown you. In fact, I'm just going to bother you to keep going."

He accepted Klive, the way he was. Pa made me realize that shunning others would not make you any better. Making peace was better than sticking to our absurd principals.

A smile tugged on my lips, as I remember a very similar person, as wise as him. A fat tear rolled down my cheek, followed by another, and another.

The one I mourned.


Patiently, I stood right in front of the residence's entrance after pressing the bell multiple times. I tapped my feet on the linoleum as the humongous door was yet to be opened.

Usually, their butler would answer the door right away, permitting an easy access for me.

As I was about to press the bell once again, before the door swung open, revealing a very irritated Dumont dude. On his hands were the latest Nintendo game console. "I thought we told Austin we won't be receiving guests, particularly today." The youngest Dumont sibling deadpanned.

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