Chapter 1

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Jim's point of view

I get out of bed and get dressed for the day. I leave my apartment and head off to work. Most people hate going to work. They complain about how hard it is and why they hate it. I don't hate work because I enjoy talking to my co-workers. Well some of them.

I can't wait to get to work because that's when I get to see him. The guy I'm in love with. I have been in love with him since day one which was four years ago if your wondering. I would have asked him out much earlier but I'm scared to. I'm scared of his reaction.

Pam my best friend is the only person who knows about my crush and she's the only one who knows that I'm gay. The reason for that is because I'm petrified. I wanna tell my parents and brothers that I'm gay but I'm so scared of what they would think of me. I know it's silly but I can't help it.

I get to work and walk inside the workplace. I tell Pam Good morning and we talk for a little bit. Afterward, I head to my desk and sit down. I can't wait for Dwight to walk in because when I see him my day just gets a whole lot better. He just makes me smile like a fucking fool.

I turn on my computer and get to work. Today's the day I tell Dwight how I feel. But I don't know how I'm going to tell him since I'm surrounded by people. I don't know maybe I shouldn't tell him. I sigh. I really want to tell him how I feel but if I keep procrastinating it's never going to happen and I really want to be with him. Have to do it today. I just have to or I'll lose him forever. But first I need to get him all alone and honestly, I don't know I'm going to do it. That's when I decided to ask Pam for help.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and I text Pam.

Jim: Pam I can't do it anymore. I can't stay away from him any longer. That's why today is the day I tell him how I feel. But I need to get him alone so I can do so. Can you help me?

Pam: AWWWW!!!! THAT'S SO CUTE!!! And of course, I'll help you! What do you need me to do?

Jim: Thanks. I need you to get him outside for me during lunch because If I do it he's going to be suspicious of me.

Pam: lol alright. Hopefully, he doesn't find me suspicious.

Jim: I hope not.

Pam: Don't worry everything will work out fine. They always do with me 😊

Jim: Hahaha. Thanks again. Your the best Pam.

Pam: Aww thanks Jim 💖💖💖

Jim: No problem 😄😉

Just then Dwight walked through the door, came over to his desk, and sat down.

I look at him and say," Hey Dwight".

He looks at me.

" What do you want Jim?", he asked in an annoyed tone.

" What? I just wanted to say hi. Can't a guy say hi to his friend?".

He smirks and says" Your not my friend Jim".

" Wow. Why do you gotta be like that Dwight?", I ask.

I swear he's like this every day. I'm obsessed with playing pranks on him because I love seeing his reactions. His reactions are just so funny and adorable that I can't help but laugh. I don't have a prank planned today for him but I'm sure I'll think of one.

" Because I can. Now leave me alone. I'm trying to work", he said as he turned around.

Wow. Just wow. I just hope Pam's able to get him outside.

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