Chapter 3

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Creed is the guitar player in this video. He's the one wearing the striped sweatshirt.

Jim's point of view

I walk back inside the workplace and I take my seat at my desk.

I look at him and say," Dwight?"

" Shut it", he replies.

He refuses to look at me.

" Dwight what I said was true", I quietly tell him hoping he would respond but sadly he doesn't. In fact, ignores me.

I look away and text Pam.

Jim: wanna go get lunch?

Pam: Yes

Jim: Okay cool.

Me and Pam walk outside. We both get in my car and head out. We both agreed on going to Bill Millers since it's so good.

In the car

" So what happened with you and Dwight?", she asks.

" He thinks I'm pranking him. I don't really know where to go from there", I answer.

"Honestly, You just have to keep telling him over and over about how you feel about him. It'll take some time but trust he'll come around eventually", she told me.

" Pam I uh... I don't have time. I...". I inhale. " I just want him to trust me. I just want him to know that it's not a prank. That what I'm telling him is true."

" He'll come an around Jim. Don't worry".

" When?! Because I don't see that happening any time soon!", I yell.

"Jim. It will happen. It might not happen now but it will. Trust me. Okay?"

" Okay I will", I tell her. " Can we just change the subject now to something that's uh..happy?"

" Yeah, we can. What do you wanna talk about?"

" Hmm... something besides work. How was your week so far?"

After we were done eating at Bill Millers we headed back to work. Pretty much the whole day Dwight avoided. He refused to talk to me which broke my heart into pieces. I wish he believed but he doesn't and that just breaks my heart. Oh well, I just hope what Pam said is true because the truth is he's the only man I have eyes for. Nobody else just him.


The next day at work.

Dwight still refused to talk to me. This is going to be harder than I thought but I'm not giving up.

Today's Friday. Beach day. Michael's taking the whole office to the beach and I can't wait. And I'm gonna make Dwight talk to me. He can't get away from talking to me if he doesn't have anywhere to go. So this good. Well for me at least.

So we gather up our stuff and we exit the office. Michael rented a bus. We all climb unto the bus. I'm letting everyone go in front of me because I want to sit next to Dwight but in the end, Michael ends up sitting next to him. Fuck. I end up sitting next to Creed. This is gonna be a long ride. 2 hours to be exact.

" So Tim how long have you and the redheaded chick been dating for?", Creed asks.

Did he just call me Tim!?

" I'm not dating her", I answer.

" Really? Well, I'll tell you this she's one hot mama."

" What?". What the fuck did he just say?

" You don't think Meredith's hot."

Oh my god.

"Me and Meredith aren't friends. Me and Pam are", I whisper so that no one hears our conversation.

" Which ones Pam? Is she the blond one?", he asked.

I roll my eyes and decide to change the subject to something else. Hoping it wouldn't get even more awkward then it is.

" So what are you going to do this weekend?", I ask him.

" Just gonna go fishin'. I caught a big fish last weekend and I ate that shit raw", he answers back.

" Um.. okay", I say looking away from him.

" What about you?".

" I don't know", I say.

" I'm also going to see my friend Jesse this weekend. He sells me my meth. That stuff makes me feel like I'm on top of the world. You know what I mean?"

" I wouldn't know since I never tried it".

" You should it will do you some good. Here I'll give you his number", Creed said as he was about to pull out his phone.

" No no no I'm fine", I said stopping him.

" You sure you don't want his number".

" Yes I'm sure", I say. I quickly pull out my headphones and put them in. I grab my phone and I plug my headphones in. Lastly, I turn my music on high. I refuse to talk to Creed. I just hope these 2 hours go by fast because I don't think I handle another conversation with weird ass creed.

2 hours later we make it to the beach and I'm the first one of the bus. Thank god we are finally here.

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