Chapter 14

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Dwight's point of view 

Jim's whole family looked at me and I smiled back at them.

"Oh my gosh, Jim. You and Dwight are the most precious couple I ever saw", Shannon replied with so much excitement.

" Would have never guessed if you never told us", Pete replied.

"How long have you guys been dating for?",Tom asked us.

"We uh... been dating for about over a 3 weeks now", I tell his family. 

" What do you like to do for fun? ", Frank asked.

" I like playing Tennis with my cousin Mose. I also like playing the guitar and singing. Um... Like playing laser tag and paintball. And lots of other stuff that I can't think of right now of the bat", I answered. 

" That a lot of hobbies. That's for sure", Frank said.

"Yeah it is", I say. 

" Where do you work?", Frank asks.

Man, I wonder how many more questions he's going to ask.

"Frank don't overload him with questions. Your gonna scare him off", Shannon told her husband.

" Shannon I'm just trying to get to know him better", Frank tells her.

" Mom and Dad can we just change the subject to something else?", Jim asks his parents.

I kinda hope they say yes. 

" No, we will not. I want to hear what Dwight has to say", Frank tells Jim.

"Okay. I'll tell you Frank and everyone else. I work at Dunder Mifflin with Jim. I'm a salesman like him. We worked together for over 4 years now. And also I'm a Lackawanna County Volunteer Sheriff Deputy and lastly, I have a black belt in Gojo-Ryu karate. I'm the senpai at the dojo. So I guess you could say I'm a very busy person", I tell them.

" wait so if you guys worked together for over 4 years then why haven't you two gotten together earlier?",Tom asked us.

But I refuse to give him an answer so Jim does.

" Tom not right now".

" Do you live in a house or an apartment", Frank questioned me.

I guess this is what all parents ask their kids boyfriends whenever they bring them over to meet them. And honestly I don't really like it but I have to go through it for my Jim. I love him very much. Honestly, I would do anything for him. 

" I live in a nine-bedroom and one bathroom farmhouse on my family's 60 -acre beet farm with my cousin Mose. Me and my cousin are beet farmers".

"Damn!" , Tom shouted out.

" So what do you sell the beets or something", Jim's dad asked.

" Yeah, we do to um... local stores, restaurants, and roadside beet stands. Do you have any more questions you want to ask me?"

" Yes I d---", Frank tried to say but Jim interrupted him and said," No he doesn't." He looked at his dad and sternly said" Right dad?"

" Fine Jim. I'll stop asking your boyfriend so many questions", he told him.

" Thanks, dad".

After that, the subject got changed and I'm glad it did.

A few hours later we left. I told Jim's family bye and told them I had a great time.

We got into the car and I drove out of the driveway.

On the way home, Jim's asked:" so what did you think?".

" I had a good time", I tell my boyfriend.

"Dwight really?"

" Yeah. I liked your family a lot. Though I wished your dad didn't ask me so many questions".

" Haha. Yeah, he can be like that sometimes".

" but otherwise that I really did have a fun time," I replied.

" I'm glad to hear that".

We made it back to my farm and went inside. We went to my room and sat down on the bed.
Today was the day I give Jim a key to my house. I went over to my drawer and pulled out the key. I place the key in the middle of the palm of my hand and I closed my hand shut. I then closed the drawer and went over to Jim. 

" Jim I have something for you", I told him.


"Put your hand out?".

He does what I say and he puts his hand put in front of me. And that's when I place the key in his hand.

"A key?",he asks.

" Yes because I want you to know that you will always have a place to stay at my farm. I want you to move in with me".

" wow, this is a big step."

" Is that a bad thing?", I asked hoping it wasn't.

" No, it isn't Dwight. I would love to move in with you", He said as he stood up from the bed and moves closer to me.

He places his hands around my neck and leaned forward. He presses his soft lips against mine and he kissed me lustfully.

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