Chapter 15

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Jim's point of view

The next day.

I woke up and got out of bed. As usual, Dwight was already up and doing his daily chores with Mose. I quickly got dressed and made way down to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and I pulled the orange juice out. I poured myself a glass. I toasted myself a bagel and grabbed the cream cheese out of the fridge. Lastly, I went over to the table and ate in silence.
As I was halfway done eating Dwight came inside.

"Hey, Dwight."

"Hey, Jim. Did you sleep well?"

"Amazing. I'm going to finish eating and then I'm going to head home to pack up my stuff".

"I'll come with you. Just let me take a quick shower first."

" Dwight you don't have to come if you don't want to", I tell him.

" I know but I want to. So don't go anywhere. I'll be back shortly."

" Alright".

Dwight left and went upstairs. Mose came in shortly and entered the kitchen. 

" Hey Mose", I say.

" Hi, Jim. Wanna jump on the trampoline with me?", he asked.

"I would but I'm gonna head out soon once Dwight's done showering".

" Going where?",Mose asked.

" I'm moving in. So I need to get my stuff from home."

" Oh. That's nice".

" Yeah, it is".

Dwight finally finished showering and made his way into the kitchen.

" Are you ready to go Dwight?", I ask.

" Yes, I am. Wanna take my car?"

"Sure why not Dwight".

We get into Dwight's car and head off to my apartment.

" Dwight does that mean we get to carpool to work together now?",I asked grinning.

" Yes it does", he answered.

God, I love being with him. 

We get to my apartment and I unlock the door. We go over to my bedroom and I pull a large suitcase out of my closet and I throw it onto the bed.

I opened all my drawers and took all my clothing out. Dwight helped me pack my clothing into the suitcase.

I left all my work clothes on the hangers because I didn't want to fold them because I hate wrinkles.

I packed up the rest of my belongings in boxes. 

After we finished we packed up everything and loaded into Dwight's car.  After we finished, we stopped by Bill Millers and headed home. When we got home, we unloaded the boxes, suitcase and we took them upstairs to Dwight's room. 

After that, I finished unpacking. I told Dwight I could do the rest since he already helped a lot.
That's how the rest of my day went. Sunday came, me and Dwight just sat around watching movies and eating Pizza with Mose. 

Then Monday came. We got dressed and headed off to work. Dwight drove into one of the empty slots in the parking lot.

I looked at Dwight and said," I can't wait to go home".

Dwight grinned and said," Don't worry you can go home in 9 hours".

" That doesn't make me feel any better but at least I have you gorgeous. "

Dwight blushed and said," shush Jim."

Chuckled and he grinned back at me.

We both got out of the car and walked inside the workplace. 

We walk in together and take our seats at our desks.

Michael then comes out of his office.

"I never have seen you two walk in together. Unless you two carpooled together, "Michael said with a wink.

" Ha yeah, Michael. We were talking outside for a bit before we decided to um... come inside", I lie.

I don't know if I'm ready yet to let the whole world know that we are together. 

"Oh, I'm surprised you two are best friends now because I never ever thought this day would come", Michael said.

"Me either", I replied.

Michael leaves and goes back to his office.

Maybe I am ready to tell everyone about us. Hmm. I look at Dwight and ask him," Dwight, wanna just get it over with and just tell everyone we are dating?"

"", he stuttered.

" Dwight if you don't want to. I understand", I tell him.

" No that's not it Jim. I'm just nervous is all", he began. " I...I want to... I'm ready to tell everyone about us."

I smiled at him and said" Me too. Wanna tell everyone now? Or later. I'm leaving it up to you".

" I'm ready now", he replied.

" In that case, I'll get Michael".

I get out of my chair and I walk over to Michaels office. I knock on the door a few times until I hear Michael say" Come In".

I open the door and look at Michael.

"What is it, Jim?",Michael asked.

" Michael me and Dwight have something to tell you and everyone."

"And what's that?",He asked.

" Come out of your office and I'll tell you and everyone else", I told him.

"Okay. This better be worth my time".

I leave and walk back over to my desk. I sit down in my chair.

" I wanna tell everyone", Dwight said as he stood up from his chair.

" You got this. There's nothing to be nervous about", I tell him.

He nodded and shouted out" can I have everyone's attention. I need to say something that I been meaning to say".

Everyone looks at Dwight.

" Okay I'm gay and I'm in a relationship with Jim here," he said pointing at me.

"Are you two really a couple?", Phyllis asked looking in my direction.

" Yeah we are", I told her.

"WOW! JUST WOW! AWESOME! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!",Michael yelled with so much excitement.

" Tuna! Oh my gosh!",Andy shouted. He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled at Andy and gave him a thumbs up back.

"I knew it. I knew it all along", Kevin said.

" WOOOOW!", Michael yelled. He came over to us. " My mind is exploding. Dwight and Jim come over here". 

Dwight went over to Michael and stood by his side.

" Jim stand up", Michael said.

"No, I'm good".

"Okay okay s here we go", Michael said as he grabbed a hold of my hand and grabbed a hold of Dwight's hand.

"Everyone this is the day that will live in infamy because today is the day Jim and Dwight become one", Michael tells everyone.

"Actually we been dating for a couple of weeks now", I tell him.

"I love you guys so much", he began. "This is really good this is really good.", he finished. 

Michael then pulled me into a hug.

He hugged me so tightly. Surprisingly I hugged back. After he was done hugging me he went over to Dwight and hugged him.

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