Chapter 17

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Jim's point of view

When 5 o'clock came everyone got their belongings together and left for today. Me and Dwight were the last ones to leave as usual.

We told Michael bye and exited the workplace. 

As we were walking to the elevator I grabbed ahold of Dwight's hand and intertwined our fingers together. 

We walked out of the building and got into the car.

I turn to Dwight and ask" Hey Dwight wanna go get something to eat? I'm starving".

" Yeah sure but do you mind if we just get it to go because I don't really feel like eating there", he replied.

" Yeah, we can. Burger King?"

Dwight nodded.

The ride to Burger King was in silent. I want to know why Dwight's not in the mood today. But I doubt he'll tell me why so I choose not to bring it up. 

I pull my phone out of my pocket and I start texting my friend Nick. I haven't seen him in a couple of years since he lives far away in Oregon. But I can't tell you how happy I am to see him again. 

Me and Nick meant in high school and been friends ever since. He's like a brother to me. 

Jim: Hey Nick can't wait to see you this weekend. It's been forever!

Nick: I know right. Are you still working at that paper company?

Jim: Haha yeah. It pays well. So  I don't mind it.

Nick: That's good. Have you met any new girls yet? Or for that matter of fact are you dating anyone?

Jim: I'm no longer single😉

Nick: who's the lucky girl? Is the real question.

Jim: Well you'll meet him this weekend.

Nick: It's a guy!?

Jim: Yes. I'm gay.

Nick: I never knew that. How come you never told me before?

Jim: Because I was afraid. Honestly, I told my parents last week. And I told my co-workers yesterday. And now you know.  

Nick: well I'm glad you decided to tell me.

Jim: Me too.

Nick: so who's the lucky guy then?

Jim: I just told you. You'll meet him this weekend.🤗

Nick: Jim your no fun. In that case, I can't wait to meet that boyfriend of yours. 

Jim: and I can't wait to introduce you to him😊😄


Jim: Anyways I'll talk to you later because we are about to get something to eat.

Nick: Alrighty. See ya this weekend.

Jim: Bye Nicky👋

I put my phone away. And we are already at Burger King. Dwight gets in line and gets behind the car that's in front of us.

" Dwight, what are you going to get?" , I ask.

" A burger what else I am I going to get? All they serve are burgers", Dwight replied in an annoyed tone.

" Uh okay", I say.

Maybe I should ask him what's wrong.  But if I do I'm going to have to wait until we get home because I don't want to get in a full blown argument right now. 

Dwight orders the burgers and drinks.  Dwight also ordered a burger for Mose so he wouldn't starve. The food comes and then we head home.

We arrived home and went inside the house. I took my burger out of the bag and sat down at the table. And Dwight joined me at the table.

" Mose I bought you a burger!", Dwight called out to his cousin. 

Mose hurried down the stairs and grabbed his burger. And then he quickly ran back upstairs.
I looked at Dwight and decided to ask what was going on with him.

"Dwight, what's wrong? You have been acting like this all day".

" I'm not getting into this with you", he replied.

" Dwight seriously? What's going on. Just tell me. I don't like seeing you like this", I tell him.

" Fine, you want to know?"

" Yes! I do".

" Are you cheating me?", he straight up asked me.

" What!? What  makes you think that!", I yelled.

What the fuck! I honestly don't know why he thinks I'm the kind to cheat. I would never cheat on him. I don't understand him. I really don't. He stays quiet, looks down, stares at the table and he doesn't say anything.

I decide to break the silence.

" Dwight. Answer me."

Still no reply.

" Dwight!"

He still refuses to answer me. 

"Dwight what... What the fuck. Why would you think like that? Of course, I would never cheat on you. Where the fuck did you get that notion from? And I want an answer now, Dwight."

He looks at me and quietly says", last night I took your phone off the nightstand and saw that you were recently talking to some guy I never met before. Who is he? Are you cheating on me with him?"


I was so angry and frustrated with him. Like who does that? Seriously though.

'" I had to know! Okay!",he began. " Who's Nick!?," he angrily asked.


Dwight just shook his head at me.

" You honestly don't believe me?",I asked him.

" I don't know anymore", he replied.

" You either know or you don't. Which one is it?", I sternly asked.

" Jim just leave...Please", he quietly answered.

" What? Are you kidding me, Dwight?", I began but paused. " I'm only going to say this once but  I would never cheat you. I don't know why you would even think that and honestly, I don't even want to know anymore. Nick, he's my friend from high school like I said before. We went to the same college together and we have been friends ever since. And if you don't believe me then I don't think we should be dating at all. Trust comes first in a relationship. I don't expect you to say anything back but when you do call me", I finished.

Dwight didn't say anything back. He just sat there in silence.

Truth is if he doesn't trust me then we shouldn't be dating and that breaks my heart that he thinks I would cheat on him. I love him. I care about him and if he doesn't see that then I don't really know what else I can possibly say.

I went upstairs and packed some of my clothing in my duffel bag and left Dwight's house.
I didn't really have anywhere else to go since I started living with Dwight. So I pulled my phone out and called Pam.

Pam answered. 

" Hey Jim what's up?",she asked. 

" Do you mind if I stay with you for tonight?," I asked.

" What happened?" 

" I'll tell you when I get there", I told her.

" Okay", she replied.

And with that, I headed to Pam's apartment.

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