Chapter 8

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Dwight's point of view

The next morning. I get out of bed and make way down to the kitchen to find Mose making an egg and a few strips of bacon. I just stare at him. 

He looks at me and says" Hey Dwight".

" Hey Mose", I reply back. I walk over to fridge and I pull out the orange juice. I pour myself a glass of orange juice and I put it down. " That just hit the spot. You want some orange juice, Mose?"

"Yes, please", he answers. 

I pour him a glass and put it on the countertop.

" My friend is coming over today and if you are going to say something don't say something weird. I don't want you making are guest uncomfortable", I inform.

If I don't tell him this beforehand then he'll just end up making him feel uncomfortable and honestly I don't want that. 

"Okay", he says in a sad voice. 

I nod at him and go back up to my room. I went back to my room and got dressed in my outdoor clothing. I went back downstairs and went outside and Mose followed after. Mose helped me manure the crop fields and helped with planting the beets. Lastly, we plowed the fields. 

Hours later we came back inside and ate lunch. I went upstairs and took a quick shower. After I got out of the shower I got a text from him saying that he would be over in 20 minutes. I couldn't wait to see him. 

20 minutes later Jim arrives and I let him inside. I pull him into a hug and say" I'm so glad your here".

"Me too".

I grab his arm and take him upstairs with me.

" where are we going?", he askes.

" To my room."


I pull him into my room and close my door behind us. I look at him and ask" wanna watch a movie?"

" I kinda just wanna kiss those beautiful lips of yours", Jim grins. 

I blush and look away. " I don't mind doing that especially if it's with you".

I then pull Jim into a kiss. He kisses me back with so much passion. His lips were so soft. I couldn't help but smile between kisses. 

" what are you smiling about?"Jim smiles back. 

" You", I simply say and go back to kissing him. 

Jim pushes me against the wall as we make out hardcore. My hands find their way up to his hair. I pull onto his wavy hair and kiss him hungrily. Jim wraps his hands around my waist. Jim moves his hands down and he grabs onto the bottom of my shirt and starts pulling it off. I help him and I pull my shirt off. 

He then presses his soft lips against my neck and starts leaving kisses against my skin. A moan escaped my lips. Fuck it felt so good. 

Suddenly, my bedroom door swung open. I got startled and I ended up pushing Jim away from me. I looked at Mose and Mose stared back at me in shock. 

" uh... sorry... uh sorry Dwight", he stutters.

" Mose get out! And next time knock!", I yelled. 

Mose left in a hurry slamming the door in our faces.

I look at Jim and I said" Sorry about that".

Jim chuckled and said" No worries." Jim then adds," Was that your cousin?"

" Yeah, he is. He does stupid shit without thinking. I constantly tell him to knock on my door and he never listens. And that's why I always have to lock my door, today I mistakenly forgot to lock it and that's my fault."

" It's not your fault Dwight. Everyone makes mistakes. Even I do but who cares right?" Jim said as he pulled me into a kiss.

" I hear you", I told him between kisses. 

I pulled away and said" You go to Michaels and Jans. I'll stay home so I can have some peace and quiet".

" Hell no. Your coming. I refuse to be left alone with Michael."

" Is that the only reason you want me to come?", I ask.

" No. I don't wanna be there alone because all I will do is think about how much I'll miss you and how badly I want to be with you".

" Aww, that's sweet. Alright, I'll come. For you only."

" Now that's what I like to hear".

I smirked at him and said, "I know you do". I pulled out my phone and looked at the clock. We had one hour before we had to go to Michaels.

"We have an hour. What do you want to do till then?"

" how about we continue where we left off".

" Hell yes!", I replied.

And that's exactly what we did.

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