Chapter 16

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Dwight's point of view

All day all our co-workers came up to us and kept saying how we were such a cute couple and how we are just made for each other. They said a lot of other nice things too.

After work me and Jim went home.

That night I started questioning our relationship. I kept asking myself this does Jim really love me? What am I saying?! I really need to stop being paranoid about all this stuff. It a crazy. Of course, Jim loves me and I love him too. 

I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but apparently, I couldn't. I just stared at the ceiling. Jim was already fast asleep. Jim's phone was on the nightstand. I don't know why I did it but I just did. I quickly grabbed his phone and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I sat down at the table and turned on his phone. Lucky his phone didn't have a lock screen because that meant easier access.

I know I shouldn't be looking through my boyfriend's phone but I just had to know. I'm being stupid and paranoid. I know I am. Jim would never cheat on me. But I just can't help but to go through his phone and make sure. I just hope he doesn't wake up and walk in on me because the truth is I don't want to start a fight. Ever since we got together we haven't had a fight and honestly, don't want to start.

I go to messages on his phone and I look at them. 

What? Who hell is this Nick person? I click on their contact. He and Jim have been texting a lot recently. 

I swear to god this better not be what I'm thinking. 

I then start reading the text messages that they sent each other.

Nick: Hey Jim I'm coming into town this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something.

Jim: Hey Nick. It's been a long time and yes I would love to hang out with you this weekend. 

Nick: Can't wait. I'll text you when I come in.

I kept reading more and more of their conversation. Oh my god. Who hell is this guy I kept thinking?

I turned off Jim's phone. God, I hope he's not...why am I even thinking that. Oh my god. Would he though? I don't know why I keep thinking the worst.

I walked back upstairs and I gently put Jim's phone back to where it was making sure it never was touched. I quietly walked over to the side of the bed and climbed into bed. I lastly pulled the covers over my body. 

I couldn't stop thinking about this Nick person and I knew already that I wasn't going to forget about him tomorrow.

At some point, I feel fast asleep. The next morning I got up and got dressed for work. Jim was still asleep and I still couldn't stop thinking about last night. Maybe I should ask him? No, I can't do that then he'll know I went on his phone. Ugh. I don't know what to do. Oh well. I'm just gonna act as nothing happened and I hope he brings up his friend so I know that nothing happened.

So anyways I wake up Jim and tell him to hurry up and get dressed since we have to leave in half an hour. He listens to me and gets up.

I head downstairs and start on breakfast. Mose comes into the kitchen and asks" What's for breakfast?"

I look at him and say" I'm just making pancakes."

"My favorite. Can you make some with chocolate chips???"

"Yeah sure."

"Yay!", he yelled happily.

By the time I finished making the pancakes. Jim was already dressed and came into the kitchen.

" Hey Dwight", He said as he pulled me into a kiss.

"Ew gross!", Mose yelled as he threw his arms up in his face to cover his face with his hands.

" Sorry Mose I didn't see you there", Jim said apologizing.

"Next time scan the room."

" I'll try and remember that next time", Jim told him.

" There's chocolate chip and plain pancakes. Your pick", I said.

" I'll have sugary ones", he replied.

How did I know?

Finally, after Jim was done eating and I was done brushing my teeth we headed out the door.
We got into my car and headed to work. 

While I was driving I decided to test Jim by asking him" Wanna go to uh... the beach this weekend?" Let's just hope he says yes.

" No, sorry Dwight. I just don't want to on any vacations right now".

" How come?", I asked.

" Because I don't like being far away from home. I like being close to home is all".

Damn, I think he might actually be cheating on me. I could feel the tears coming but held them in. I refuse to cry in front Jim right now. God, I just hope he's not.

" Oh okay. What do you wanna do this weekend? Then?, "I asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. I'll properly just hang around the house. You know. Unless you want to go out to eat or something".

" Oh. Same."

" You okay Dwight", he asked.

" Yes, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

" Because you seem a littl---", before Jim could even finish his sentence I interrupted him and yelled, "Jim! I'm fine!".

Jim nodded and turned his attention to the car window and looked outside.

Maybe I should apologize. Or maybe not. I don't know anymore. For the rest of the ride, it was in silence. None of us said a word to each other.

I pulled into Dunder Mifflin and parked the car in the empty lot.

Jim turned to me and said" Dwight if something's going on I just want you to know I'm here for you. You can always talk to me".

I looked at him and said," I know but nothing's going on". 

" Okay". 

We walked inside and entered the workplace. And went over to our desks.

For the rest of the day, it went by slow. I made a lot of sales calls. I have the highest sales calls in the office. And I love it.

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