Chapter 19

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Dwight's point of view

God, I'm such a fucking idiot. I shouldn't have taken his phone and went through his messages. It was wrong of me. I need to tell him I messed up but I don't know if he'll ever forgive me. Truth is I wouldn't forgive myself either. I love him. I'm an idiot for thinking that he would ever cheat on me. Because I know now that he would never do that. He loves me. He cares about me. I need to make things right. I need to apologize for the shit I caused. God, I'm the worst boyfriend ever.
Anyways I pull up into work and get out of my car. As I was walking to the building I heard someone call my name out. I turned around and it was Jim.

"Dwight we need to talk can you come over to where I am?", he asked me. 

I didn't reply instead I walked over to where he was. 

Once there, I moved my lips slightly apart. " Jim I'm sorry for everything. I'm an idiot for thinking that you would ever cheat on me because I know you wouldn't. You're a good person. The best boyfriend ever. I'm so sorry, " I apologized. " I'm so sorry. I'm sorry", I began sobbing.

" Its okay Dwight. I thought it over and I'm giving you a second chance. I forgive you", Jim replied.

" Thank you, I don't deserve you though. I'm... I'm the worst", I cried.

Tears rushed down my face. I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"Dwight your not a terrible person. In fact your an amazing person", Jim told me.

Jim embraced me in a hug and held onto me tightly. I hugged him back. 

" I love Dwight. I love you so much", Jim replied.

I laid my head down on his shoulder. 

" I love you too", I sniffled.

" come on let's go inside. Before Michael wonders where we are".

I nodded and wiped my eyes with my hands.

" You okay now?", Jim asked me in such a sweet voice.

"Yeah", I answered. 

Jim grabbed ahold of my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. We walked inside the workplace together and made our way to our desks. 

After work was over we got in our cars went home. Jim stopped by Pam's house to get his stuff and then came back home. I was glad that we are able to start over. I'm never ever going to make that mistake again.

Once at home me and Jim were on the couch talking about stuff.

" Dwight do you mind if my friend Nick stays here at your farmhouse for the weekend?", he asked me.

I didn't want to say no so I said: "Yeah he can".

" Cool thanks. I'm text will quick. Wanna watch a movie or something Dwight?"

" Yeah, I'd like that. Hmm wanna watch Battlestar Galactica?", I asked him. Hoping he would say yes since it was my favorite movie and I haven't watched in over 2 months.

" Sure Dwight", he replied.

" In that case, I'll go get the movie", I said as I jumped out of the couch and ran upstairs to achieve the movie. I grabbed the movie from my closet and made my way downstairs. 

" I found it", I told Jim.


I then put the movie in DVD player and started it.

Jim laid his head against my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him and laid my hand softly against his stomach. 

After the movie was over we went to sleep and as usual got up in the morning and headed to work.

Then Friday arrived. The day Jim's friend comes to town. He was coming in late since that was when his flight was gonna arrive.  Jim said he was going to pick him up and that if I wanted to come I could but I told him that I would stay home so the two of them could reunite with each other.

Me and Jim went to work a usual. At work today we just made sales calls.

" Dwight", Jim whispered.

"What?", I whispered back.

" I love you", Jim said grinning.

"I love you too", I replied back smiling. 

A few hours later Michael came out of his office and told everyone that there was going to be a meeting in the conference room in 5 minutes.

Me and Jim were the first ones inside the conference room. We took a seat in front of the room.
I look at Jim and say" I wonder what this meeting is going to be about."

" I don't know but it's properly going to be something useless and pointless. I don't even know why we even have to have meetings. They are worthless," Jim replied.

" Maybe this time you will learn something new", I tell him.

" I highly doubt that".

"Well, you'll never know".

" I already do know babe."

"Hmm... Sure, Jim. Whatever you say", I smirked.

He scoffed and said" Dwight shhhhhhhh."

"I give up", I reply.

Just then Michael entered and he brought his dry erase board with him. He picked up his blue expo marker and started writing something on the dry erase board.  

And this is what he wrote down:



"The fundamentals of business. The fundamentals of business is a part of the word. I have underlined it because you're mental if you don't have a good time. You have to enjoy it", Michael said. 

"Fun is in it", Toby tells Michael.

Haha. I didn't even realize the word fun was in it until Toby said it.

Toby already gets up from his chair since he already knows Michael is going to make him leave.

" Get out", Michael told him in a stern voice.

" Ahh, I know", Toby said as he was walking off.

Toby exited the conference room and Michael went straight back to talking to us about fundamentals.

" Yeah, so", Michael started back up.

Jim was so bored that he was leaning on me.

Finally, the meeting ended and we all went back to working.

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