Valentines Day

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This is the Last Chapter. 

Jim leaves a note on Dwight's bed and it says.

My love,

We've been through so much together.

I want you to know that no matter what happens I will always be there for you.

You complete me. I know its a stupid thing to say but it's the truth.

I wouldn't know what to do without you. My Beautiful, baby I love you so much.

Happy Valentine's day.

Love, Jim

P.S. Go to the kitchen. That's where your gift is waiting.

A very much naked Jim was leaning against the doorway, covering his crotch with red roses he held in his hands. A grin appeared on Dwight's face.

" You found my note I see".

" Yeah, I did. You got me flowers?" he asked as he raised his eyebrows.

" Hell yes, I did", Jim grinned.

" Since when do you get me flowers? You never get me flowers."

" Yeah, I know", Jim Seductively said as he walked toward Dwight. " But I wanted to show you how much you mean to me".

" Oh, uh-"

" Shhh", Jim said as he raised his hand and put his index finger up to Dwight's lips. " Don't say a word". Jim puts his hand around Dwight's neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. " God your so fucking gorgeous", he said between kisses

Dwight Chuckled and kissed Jim back.

" How about we go upstairs and get you naked. So I can make you feel amazing", Jim suggestively said licking his lips as he pulled away and looked into Dwight's blue eyes.

Dwight looked back at Jim's seductive eyes and smiled. " Okay".

Dwight picked Jim up bridal style and carried him upstairs to the bedroom.


6 months later,  Jim applied for a job at another paper company to be the manager. It was better pay and in generall it was just a better job.

Jim threw on his black slacks and his long-sleeve button-down shirt on. He combed his hair nicely and applied gel so his hair wouldn't dare to stick up.

It was his first job interview in a long time and he was nervous. Dwight told him that everything would be alright and that he would get the job.

He fixed his tie and grabbed his dress shoes from the closet and slid them on. Lastly, he threw on his black coat and made his way into the kitchen, where he found Dwight making Beet juice and cringed.

" How do I look?", Jim asked his boyfriend asking for his advice.

Dwight turned around and examined Jim's outfit. " Normal. Ugly", he joked.

" Dwight, you're hopeless. Why do I even try?"

" Maybe you shouldn't", he said grinning.

" Oh shut up Dwight. Do I like fine though?"

Dwight smirked at Jim. " Yes, you do. You look extremely ravishing", Dwight smiled widely at him.

Jim couldn't help but blush. " Thanks".

" Now hurry up and go. I don't want you to be late".

"Don't worry I'm not going to be late", Jim informed.

" Well its always better to be early. Here take this to go", Dwight said handing Jim the beet juice in a bottle. "It's very nutritious and it's good for you".

" Ugh, I'm not drinking that. Sorry babe. It just looks nasty, to be honest ".

" It's all right. Not everyone likes beets. Ima miss you.  Can't wait for you to tell all about it once you get the job".

" I'm not sure if I'll get it since there hiring a big number of people", Jim announced.

" Oh, Jim. Stop doubting yourself. The interviewer is going to love you and they are going to hire you".

Jim grinned and then asked, "What would I do without you?"

" You would still be doubting yourself", Dwight grinned.

Jim chuckled and looked away to hide the fact that he was blushing.

" I gotta go, I'll see you later", Jim said as he pulled Dwight into a kiss and pulled away, only to press his head against Dwight's. " I love you".

" I love you too."

Jim kissed him once more before leaving and headed off to his interview.

 In the end, Jim got the Job. The two lived happily ever after in the beautiful city of Philadelphia. 

The End

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