Chapter 13

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Jim's point of view

It was Friday the day I tell my parents and brothers that I'm gay. For years my family has been wondering why I haven't snatched up a girl yet and now they were going to learn the reason why. I'm so nervous. I'm glad Dwight's coming because, without him, I don't think I would have even had the courage to even do it in the first place. He makes everything better. 

I told my mom that I was bringing a friend with me and I told her that we would be there at 5. My mom kept asking who my friend was but I told her that she would be able to meet him when we got there.

For the past few weeks, I have been staying at Dwight's house because I just don't like being alone. I love being close to him because he makes me feel safe. I'm kinda hoping that Dwight would ask me if I would like to move in with him but he hasn't. Oh well. 

4: 40 came, me and Dwight left the farm and headed off to my parent's house. I told Dwight that I didn't mind driving but he insisted on driving so we took his car. 

I was so nervous. I didn't know how I was going to tell my family but all I knew was that I was terrified to tell them. 

" Jim you okay?",My boyfriend asked in concern.

I looked at him and said"Not really. I'm just so scared. You know?"

" Yeah but there's nothing to worry about. I'm sure your parents and brothers will understand. I mean after all y'all are family. Right?", he told me. 

I nodded. " I can do this."

" I know you can, Jim".

20 minutes later we arrived at my parent's house. We got out of the car and we made our way to the front porch. I rang the doorbell and shortly afterward my brother came to the door and opened it.

" Jim!", my brother Pete yelled out my name.

"Hey, Pete. This is my friend Dwight. And Dwight this is my younger brother Pete," I introduced them to each other.

" Hello Dwight", my brother Pete said as he lifted his hand out to him. 

Dwight shook his hand.

" Hi, Pete. It's nice to meet you", Dwight replied.

" You too", Pete replied back.

We walked inside in the house and made our way to the kitchen. To where my mom and dad were.

"Hey, mom. Hey dad", I called out.

" Oh my beautiful boy", my mom said as she came running over to me and pulled me into a hug. " I've missed you".

" I missed you too", I replied as I pulled away from the hug.

" Hey son", my dad said. 

"Mom, Dad this is my good friend Dwight."

"Hey Dwight", My mom said.

" Dwight, hello", my dad said shaking his hand.

" Hi Mrs.Halpert and Mr. Halpert", Dwight replied.

" Oh, you can just call me Shannon and my husband Frank. We don't mind", my mom informed.

" Okay, Shannon."

I change the subject and ask" what's for dinner mom?"

" We are having spaghetti and meatballs", she answers.

My brother Tom my oldest brother arrived 20 minutes late. I introduced him to Dwight.
After the food was done we all made our way to the table and got situated. Everyone served themselves. After we were done eating I knew it was time to tell my family that I was gay. I was so nervous that I almost began shaking.

I looked up at my whole family and loudly said, " Can I get everyone's attention!?"
Everyone looked my way and my mom said" Yes you can honey. What do you need to tell us, honey?"

" Um...okay", I started but froze.

"Is something wrong?", my brother Tom asked.

" it's something that I been meaning to tell you guys but I never got around to it", I tell them.

Dwight moves his hand and grabs ahold of my hand that's underneath the table. He then intertwined his hand with mine motioning that no matter what happens I will always be there for you. I smiled. I can do this I told myself.

"Honey your scary us", my mom said.

"Uh...sorry guys. Um... I'm uh... I don't really know how to say this but here I go. Everyone. I'm gay", I confess.

Everyone just looks at me in shock. I can tell that they don't really know what to say.
" Jim its going to be okay because I'm always going to love and always going to support you. I love you honey", my mom tells me.

And that's when the tears begin rushing down my face. " Thanks, mom.".

My dad then asks", How long have you known?"

I look at my dad and say" Since I was 15".

" That long? How did I not catch on sooner?", my dad said shaking his head.

More tears escaped from my eyes and that's when I squeezed Dwight's hand tighter.

"Frank we couldn't have known", my mom tells him.

Tom buts in and asks me" Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Because I was scared. So scared. I didn't know how Y'all were going to react", I wept.

" I know. We all love you very much, honey. And you being gay doesn't matter because you're born how you are and nothing you can do will ever stop us from loving you. Understand?", my mom said.

I looked at her and nodded. 

"I love you son and I'm sorry for all the terrible gay jokes said around you", my dad apologized.

" It's okay dad. You didn't know".

"I should of".

" Dad really it's okay. I love you", I told my dad."I love you all very much. Best family ever", I told my whole family.

"I'm glad you told us", my mom said.

" I love you Jimmy", my brother Pete told me.

"Love you too Jim", Tom said.

" Love you guys", I say. Lastly, I add" there's one more thing I need to tell you".

"What is it?", asked Pete.

" I have a boyfriend and it's Dwight", I finally said as I looked up Dwight and said," Love you".

" I love you too", Dwight replies.

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