Chapter 4

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Dwight's point of view

We finally arrive at the beach. Michael tells us that he has games laid out for us and tells us that we need to join in. But I think I'm just going to sit out since I don't feel like playing games. I think I might just go for a swim in the cool water. I just hope Jim and his stupid pranks don't ruin it for me or I'm gonna be pissed off. All I want is some alone time.

I lay out my blue towel on the sand and sit down. I grab out my book and start reading. Hopefully, Michael won't bother me.

"Dwight stop reading Harry Potter and come join us", Michael tells me.

"No. I'm not in the mood", I tell him because I'm not.

" Is this about yesterday?", he asks.

I wish he would just leave me alone.

" No, it's not okay. It's nothing. Can you just leave me alone? All I want to do is read my book right now", I tell him.

" Alright, Dwight. You can read your book".

" Thank you".

And with that Michael left.

I go back to reading my book and yes it's Harry Potter. Harry Potter is my favorite book series well it's the only books series I will actually sit down for and read. The book I'm reading right now is my favorite one which is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Love it.

An hour later I stopped reading and I put my book away. By this time Michael was cooking up hotdogs for everyone. Yes. I'm so hungry. I walk over to where Michael is and I sit down on the wooden picnic table.

" Those hot dogs smell so good ", I tell Michael.

" Yeah, they do. Want one".

" Yes".

" One or Two?"

" Dos", I say in Spanish.

Michael put two hot dogs on a plate and handed it off me which I happily took. I bit into my hotdog and started eating.

By the time everyone else showed up to eat I already finished eating my food and so I left. It would be a perfect time to go swimming since there was no one in the water. I walked over to the wooded area so that no one would bother me. I took off my sandals. I refused to take off my shirt since I don't like being shirtless around people because it makes me feel extremely awkward.

As I was about to step into the water. Jim called out to me and approached me. Can this day get any worse thought to myself?

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