Chapter 11

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Jim's point of view

2 weeks later, another normal Friday.

Me And Dwight have been doing pretty much everything together. We love being close to each other. We are inseparable.

After work,

"Hey, Dwight do you mind if I spend a night?"

" Sure, If you don't mind getting up in the morning and helping me and Mose plant some beets and manure the crop field", Dwight said.

" Wow. Just wow".

" What?"

" Yeah about that I think I'm just gonna go home", I reply.

" Aww, really Jim?"

" Yeah because I'm not an early bird. I hate the mornings".

" Jim please stay", Dwight begs.

"Alright fine but I'm sleeping in until 1. So don't wake me up, babe".

" Aww okay".

At Dwight's house, we cuddled up on the couch while we watched Friends together. 

Afterward, we went to bed. I cuddled up against  Dwight's chest and I said:" Good night my love".

" Good night Jim".

The next day in the afternoon.

 By the time I woke up, it was close to one already. I groaned and got out of bed. I quickly got dressed and headed downstairs. And that's where I found Dwight. He was in the kitchen making wine out of beets.

" How did you sleep?", he asked me.

" Good. Never slept better", I replied.

" I'm glad to hear that".

" Yeah. Anyways how was your morning, Dwight?"

" It was good until Mose ruined it by throwing the manure at me", he says shaking his head.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

" Jim it is not funny".

I was dying of laughter" I'm sorry I just can't help it. It's too fucking hilarious".

" Mose, he wouldn't behave".

I still couldn't stop laughing.

" Jim!"

" Alright alright, I'm done laughing".

Dwight was already annoyed with me.

" You sure", he asks

"Yes yes, I am".

"You better be. You want some food?", he asked.

" yeah sure. What do you have?"

" Mose is going to cook up bacon and sausage," he tells me.

" Cool".

" Anyways I'm going to go shower Mose will be down shortly", Dwight said.

" okay", I say.

Dwight left the kitchen and shortly afterward Mose came into the kitchen. He pulled out the bacon and sausage from the fridge and cooked them on the stovetop until they were done. He then placed the food on the plate. He handed me a plate and placed a large amount of bacon unto my plate. He then placed 2 sausages on my plate and he then set the other plate in his hand down on the countertop.

" Thank you Mose", I tell him.

" Everybody poops", he says.

I don't really know how to respond to that so I just say, " Yes, they do".

"There's no other way to get rid of the food".

Okay, this now getting weird. Ima gonna change the subject now before it gets even weirder.

" Where's the wine?", I ask.

" It's gone".

" Oh", I say disappointed.

" You seem nice", Mose compliments me.

"Uh... Thank you. You too."

Before Mose could even reply Dwight entered the kitchen.

" Mose stop annoying Jim and run off", Dwight tells him.

" Fine", Mose replies back.

Dwight joins me at the table. " Sorry about him", he apologizes.

" It's okay. He's not that bad".

" Really?"

" Okay fine. I find your cousin a little strange", I tell him.

" It's okay. Everybody does".

I grin at him and ask" What do you wanna do today?"

" I don't know. Wanna go up to my room and cuddle".

I smile and say" I would love to".

" Let's go".

I grab my plate of breakfast and we both head upstairs to his room. 

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