Chapter 5

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Jim's point of view

By the time went over to Michael to get food Dwight had already left. Damn it. I was hoping to sit next to him so we could talk. I would've done it earlier but Michael had us playing games plus Dwight was reading and I knew he wouldn't have listened to what I would have said anyway.

I scanned the area to see where Dwight had gone and that's when I see him walking off. Far away from us and so I follow after him. I caught up to him and called out his name. I then walked up to him. I just hope he listens to what I have to say.

He crosses his arms and angrily says", Jim can you just leave me alone. I'm tired of your pranks".

" Dwight what I said about loving you was not a prank. It's the truth. I love you", I try to tell him.

"I'm sorry Jim I just don't believe you. I want to but I just don't".

" Then what will make you believe me because I'm trying here Dwight. It's just you won't believe me".

" I don't know Jim."

" Dwight".

" Please leave".

That's It I can't do this anymore. I leaned forward and wrapped my hands around Dwight's neck. And that's when I did it. I planted my lips on his and kissed him. He didn't pull away and nor did he kiss back. I continued kissing him hoping he would return the kiss but he didn't instead he pushed me away.

We both looked at each other for a short moment.

That's when I spoke up and said"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that". I look away from him and stare at the floor. God that was so humiliating.

Dwight then moved closer to me. He gently put his hands on both sides of my face. I looked up at him. He leaned forward and gently kissed me on my lips. His lips were so soft. I returned the kiss and he passionately kissed me. He sucked on my bottom lip for a short moment before pulling away.

I stared into his eyes and he stared back.

I broke the silence and said," Do you believe me now?"

He nodded and said " Yeah".

" Can I take you out on a date?", I ask him.

" I would like that a lot", he smiled.

I couldn't help but smile back. He rarely smiles and seeing him smile was the best thing ever.

" Then it's a date".

We both grinned at each other.

" Wanna join me in the lake?", Dwight asks.

" Yes, I would", I answer.

I take my shirt and shoes off. Dwight takes off his sandals. I grab his hand and we both ran into the water. The water went up to our waist. I grinned at Dwight and splashed water after water at him.

" Jim how dare you!", he playfully yelled.

He splashed me back with water. We were laughing so much and having the best time ever.

I stopped splashing water at him and pulled him into a hug. The both of us were laughing so hard.

" Oh my gosh. I can't stop laughing", I said laughing.

" Me either", he laughed back.

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