Chapter 9

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The Dinner Party is my favorite episode from The Office. It's too funny xD 

Jim's point of view

We arrived at Michaels house and we made our way to the front porch. I rang the doorbell and waited for Michael to open the door. 

The door swung open, Michael and Jan were standing behind it.

Jan turned to Michael and angrily said" Michael you didn't tell me you were inviting Dwight. I told you couldn't invite him".

" Well, Jan your not the boss of me! Dwight's my friend and if I want him to come to the dinner party then he should be able to!", he yelled at her.

Oh shit. Shit is going down. Me and Dwight look at each other and say nothing. We just stare at the fighting couple that's straight ahead of us.

"Fine whatever you want! Just like always whatever you want!", she yells back at him.

This is now getting really uncomfortable now.

" Whatever I want? It never whatever I want", Michael argued with Jan.

" It's fine", she tells him.

"When I wanted to see "STOMP," and you wanted to see "WICKED". What did we see?", Michael questioned her.

"We saw w--", Jan said as she got interrupted by an exploding, Michael. "When I said that I wanted to have kids, and you said that you wanted me to have a vasectomy, what did I do? And then, when you said that you might want to have kids, and I wasn't so sure, who had the vasectomy reversed? And then when you definitely didn't wanna have kids well it reversed back? SNIP, SNAP! SNIP, SNAP! SNIP, SNAP! I DID!"


Okay, This is getting too weird now. I honestly don't see what Michael sees in Jan. He's in an unhealthy relationship and he needs to get out of it but I don't see that happening any time soon. And they continue fighting in front of us. I just wish they zip it up and let their guest in because the truth is it is freezing outside.

"You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person! And I brought this condo to fill with children", Michael continued yelling at her.

"I'm so sorry that I don't want to bring kids into this screwed-up world. Okay? But look--", she told him.

" I'm sorry too," he told her but she ignored him.

" If you want to have kids then fine, You win. let's have a fucking kid!", she yelled back.

"Do you mean it? You want to have a kid?", he asked.

God Michael is such an idiot. He couldn't even tell that she was being sarcastic when she said that she wanted a kid. They need to break up. I swear. 

Jan looks down and sighs. She walks away from Michael and says" I hate my life".

Well, thankfully that's over and done with. 

" I'm so can we come in?", Dwight asks.

" Yeah", Michael answers. 

We both enter Michaels house. A few minutes later, Angela and Andy arrive at the party. I tell them hi. Andy is full of joy. So we end up talking. Angela, on the other hand, is so fucking stubborn to the point where I can't even have a conversation with her. 10 minutes later, Pam arrives and I'm so glad to see her. I give her a quick hug. And then everyone makes their way to the couch. 

Jan comes out of her room and says dinner will be ready in 3 hours and until then we could play some games. Which sucks! Because normally when people come to dinner parties they are expecting the food to be done already. We end up playing charades, Jan and Michael seem to be playing their own separate game and it a called let's see how uncomfortable we can make our guest and their both winning. So I'm going to make a run for it. I am not going to stay here until midnight. 

I tell Michael and everyone else that my apartment has been flooded and that Me and Dwight should properly get going and see the damage but then Michael just had to say something and ruin it all.

" you don't need two of you to do that", Michael said trying to get us to stay.

I look at Dwight and say" that's true. Um... dinner sounded delicious. Dwight, Pam I'll see you guys at work. Thank you so much.".

And that's when Pam butted in and said:" Oh, Jim I don't think you are going to abandon this party here all by its self."

" I don't know because everything I own is there", I tell her as I slip my black jacket on.

" you can buy new stuff but you can't buy a new party", she says.

"That's true. That's a great point", Michael tells her.

She got me there. Well, 3 hours to go until I can ditch this hell hole.. until then I can't wait. I walk back over to the couch and I sit back down next to Dwight. 

Dwight looks at me and asks" were you really going to abandon me?"

" You'll never know now".

" Um..okay", he says." But just letting you know that if you did actually leave me I would have been so pissed off at you."

" You don't gotta tell me twice. Plus I would have never left you. I would have gotten you out with me", I tell him.

" that's good to know".

And with that, we go back to playing charades.

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