Chapter 21

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Dwight's point of view

Mose ran inside the house and shouted:" Jim brought a stranger to our house!"And ran upstairs.

By the time I reach the door, Jim and Nick came in. Jim smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss on the lips before turning to Nick.

" Nick this is Dwight my boyfriend, and Dwight this is Nick", Jim introduced us.

I shook Nick' s hand and said:" Nice to meet you".

" You too, Jim told me so much about you and I just couldn't wait to meet you", he said.

" What kind of things?", I grinned.

" He called you precious and sweet", Nick said.

A huge smile came across my face and I looked at Jim and asked:" Jim did you really say that?"

" Yes I did because it's true", he smiled back.

" Aww, your so sweet Jim", I told him. " I love you", I said as I continued smiling.

" I love you too, Dwight".

" Awww, y'all two are the most adorable couple I ever laid eyes on", Nick grinned at us.

Me and Jim look at Nick and start laughing. Nick joins in.

We decided on watching a movie while we ate pizza. Jim insisted on watching Over The Top and I couldn't say no, so I let him have it. I talked with Nick and got to know a lot more about him. Hes such a nice guy. After the movie was over I pulled out Monopoly and we stayed up all night playing and in the end, Jim won since he's so good at it. I was just glad that it was the weekend so that I could sleep in.

Nick went to the guest room and went to sleep. Me and Jim went to our bedroom and stripped out of our clothing and slid on our pj's. And jumped into bed. I pulled the covers over us.

I looked at Jim and leaned in. I kissed him passionately on the lips. I tugged slightly onto his brown wavy hair as I kissed him with so much passion. Jim slid his tongue into my mouth and the kiss started becoming intense. Jim climbed on top of me and ran his hands through my hair as he deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him down closer to my heated body. I moaned slightly as Jim's hands slid up my shirt. He pulled away for a quick second and slid my shirt completely off me and threw it on the floor. I threw Jim to the bed so that I was on top and pulled him back into a deep kiss.

I began nibbling on his neck, leaving hickeys all over his neck. Soft moans escaped his lips. Damn it, I love hearing him moan.

I could feel Jim begin to harden in the process and I started grinding my crotch up and down hard against his. Making him moan on the process.

" Want to?", I asked him as I continued nibbling on his neck.

He nodded and said " Yes".

I  hooked my fingers unto the hemp of his sweatpants and starting pulling them down along with his boxers.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

" Ugh, what is it this time?", I groaned.

" Dwight, I can't sleep, can you read me a bedtime story?", Mose asked.

I grunted and yelled" No!" " I'm trying to sleep", I lied. Hoping he would leave. so me and Jim can get back to our sexual activities.

" Please Dwight", Mose begged. "Please, pretty please".

"Ugh...fine", I grunted as I climbed off Jim.

" Yay!", yelled Mose with excitement.

" I'll be right back", I told Jim.

" I'm gonna come with you because I wanna hear the story", he grinned.

" Alright. But get dressed".

Jim pulled his clothes back on and I put my shirt back on. We both walked over to Moses bedroom. I sat down in the chair next to Moses bed while Jim jumped onto the bed and sat crisscrossed.

" So Mose which book am I reading to you? The Three Little Pigs and  The Big Bad Wolf or am I reading The Three Little Wolfs and The Big Bad Pig?", I asked him. " I'm only reading one."

"Read The Three Little Wolfs and The Big Bad Pig please", Mose said as he handed me the book.

"Alrighty then", I said as I grabbed the book from Mose and opened the book to page one.

Mose jumped on the bed and sat down.

" Once upon a time, there were three little cuddly wolves...the first was black, second was gray and third was white", I read.

" The big bad pig is my favorite in the story", Mose grins.

" I'm not surprised", Jim says.

I chuckle.

" One day the mother called the three little wolves around her and said" My children, it is time for you to go out in the world. Go and build a house for yourselves. But beware of the big bad pig".

" Don't worry, mother we will watch out for him", said the three little wolves.

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