Chapter 2

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Pam's point of view

Lunch break finally arrives and Dwight heads off to the break room. I follow after him. I enter the breakroom and I go over to him.

" Hey Dwight", I say.

"Uh... Yes, Pam?", he asks.

" Can you help me with something outside?"

" With what? If you don't tell me.I'm not gonna help you", he informs.

Damn. How am I going to get through to him?

" I have a flat tire and I need your help changing the tire", I lie.

"Um.. why don't you just ask Jim?"

" Because he doesn't know to change a tire?", I lie again.

" Typical. Fine, I'll help you. Just let me go to the restroom first", he says.

" Okay. Thanks, Dwight. I'll meet you outside".

He nods and heads off to the kitchen.

Jim's already outside so instead of going outside I run over to the kitchen and open the door. I enter the kitchen and I go into the bathroom. And I stay in there for a good 10 minutes so Dwight thinks I'm outside. I just hope everything works out fine because I wanna see them together. They would make such a cute couple.

Jim's point of view

I'm waiting patiently outside for Dwight to come and I'm so nervous. Every second I wait makes me even more nervous. Finally, Dwight comes outside. I walk over to him and he looks at me.

" Jim what am I doing out here?", he asks.

" I need to tell you something", I say.

" Tell me what exactly?"

"Its.. uh... I'm in love with you Dwight", I confess.

"Is this a prank?", he asks.

" No it's not", I reply.

"I'll believe it when I see it", he says as he's about to walk back inside.

"Dwight! It's not a fucking prank!", I yell as I stop him with my hand from moving any farther.

"And why would I believe you!?"

Oh my god, I sigh. "Because Dwight I'm telling you the truth."

"Jim every day you play a damn prank on me and I know for fact this is a prank!",he yells back at me "I'm not gonna fall for your prank this time!" he sternly yells.

Fuck I whisper under my breath

He pushes me out of his way and walks back inside the building.

Well, this sucks I say.

Pam's point of view

When I see Dwight walk back inside he looks at me and angrily yells" What the hell was that back there! I'm done with both of yall!".

" Dwig--", I yell but he just ignores me, walks back to his desk and sits down.

Damn, I was hoping for everything to go okay but it failed and now I want to know why. I'm about to text Jim when Michael exits his office and looks directly at Dwight.

" Dwight my office now", Michael tells him in a calm voice.

Michael enters his office.

Dwight's point of view

Ugh! I hate Jim. He pulls pranks on me every single day and I hate it so much. And now he's telling me he's in love with me which is bullcrap! He doesn't love me! He's just likes making look like a fool. I hate hate hate him with so much passion!

I'm not gonna lie but I do find him attractive. Alright fine, I like him a lot. I know what he's saying is a lie because who would love an ugly beast like me? Seriously though?

Anyways, I enter Michael's office and take a seat in front of him.

"What was all that yelling about?", he asks.

" It was nothing".

" Bullshit. What happened out there?", he demands.

"Look it was just a prank. Okay. Can we just leave it alone? Please?", I ask.

" Alright fine Dwight".

" Thank you".

"But next time I hear you yelling you're going tell me exactly what is going on with you", he sternly says.

" Fine", I sigh and with that, I exit his office. I go back to my desk and sit down.

I hate my life so much.

I'm In Love With You (JimxDwight)Where stories live. Discover now