Chapter 7

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Jim's point of view

Dwight was knocked out. So for the rest of the ride, I just listened to my music. I look over at Dwight and smiled. He looks so cute when he sleeps. 

A few hours later we made it back to the office. I woke up Dwight and told him that we were here. Everyone climbed off the bus. Everyone headed to their cars. I walked with Dwight to his car. 

"Hey Dwight what are you doing tomorrow?", I asked.


"Good because I'm going to take you out on the date tomorrow", I say.

"Then, in that case, I can't wait. What time shall I be expecting you at?"

"5:30. So be ready".

"Don't worry I will. I would never miss a date with you darling", he said grinning.

I smirked at him and said"Good night Dwight. See ya tomorrow". 

As I was about to turn around and leave to my car Dwight stopped me and said: "Jim aren't you forgetting something?"

I look at him confused and said" what could I possibly be forgetting? Because last time I checked I never forget anything."

Dwight snorted and said"you're forgetting to kiss me. That's what you're forgetting Jimmy Jim".

"Oh. You could have just said that".

"What fun would that have been", he said as he pulled me into a kiss and kissed me hard. He pulled away and directly looked at me in the eyes and said" Hmm. I never did I think I would be dating you. I still can't believe it".

A wide smile appeared on my face and I said" Well believe it, baby, because it's true. We are the sexiest couple alive".

" uh huh, sure we are".

" shush", I told him and then I kissed him softly on his lips. " God I could kiss you all day long and never get tired of it."

Dwight blushed and said," Oh stop it, Jim".

"Hmm. I will never stop it so you better get used to the wonderful compliments I tell you".

" I'm sure I will". 

" Hey!! What are you guys still doing here?! I thought y'all would have left already!", Michael shouted at us.

Ahh shit, I hope Michael didn't see us kissing. 

" Hey, Michael. Dwight was just um telling me about Battlestar Galactica", I tell him.

" Oh. I didn't even know you watched that show." Michael looks directly at me. "Well anyway since your here Jim me and Jan are having a dinner party at our place tomorrow at my place. And you and Pam are invited."

"What about me?" Dwight askes.

" Sorry Dwight but it's couples only", Michael answers back.

" Michael but me and Pam aren't dating. So I can't make it to your party", I tell him.

"I'm surprised you haven't hit that yet. I would of already if she would take me. You know?"

"God Michael. We are just friends".

" Well, you are still coming because I already told Pam that you'll be there".

Ah fuck. I groaned. Michael is going to ruin my date night with Dwight.

" Um I can't make it", I tell Michael since I really can't.

" Why?", he questioned.

"Because I have a date tomorrow?"

" Since when. Last time I checked you were single. Anyways the party starts at 6 and you better be there?" Michael replied.

Well, this just sucks. 

" Fine Michael but Dwight's coming with me", I informed.

Michael smirked and said," what are you two dating now?"

"No, we are just friends. God Michael why so always gave to assume shit? It's fucking annoying!", I said angrily.

"Jeez, you don't have to get angry about it".

"Shut up Michael", I say.

"Alright fine Dwight you can come", Michael says quietly as he departs from us and goes to his car.

" Well, it looks like we are going to have to postpone our date and go to Michaels shitty dinner party."

Dwight half laughed and said, " yeah I guess so".

" What a wrong Dwight", I ask. 

" It's uh nothing. I'll see you tomorrow".

" Yes, you will."

Since Michael didn't leave yet that meant I couldn't kiss my boyfriend by so instead I just told him goodbye and made my way to my car.

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