Chapter 18

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Pam's point of view

" He literally went through my fucking phone. Like who does that?"Jim said. 

He was right about that though. If Roy went through my phone I would honestly have dumped his sorry ass in seconds. But in Jim's situations those two were meant for each other and I want to see them get married.

" Yeah, that's bad. He shouldn't have done that. Everyone knows never to go through their partner's phones", I replied. 

" Yeah but I don't understand why he would think I would be cheating on him in the first place. I would never do that because I love him. I just wish he... he trusted me. You know", Jim said in a sad voice.

" I know you do. If he loves you then he'll come around and apologize for the shit he did", I tell him.

"I can hardly believe that".

" Well, I do. He loves you and you love him.  And that's rare. I know you don't want to hear this but maybe you should give him a second chance", I said.

"I don't know. I'll think about it".

I nodded and then said"Okay, well I'm going to get ready for bed. But before I do that I'm going to get you some blankets and pillows for you".

" Okay, thanks for letting me stay here tonight".

" Anything for you", I said. 

I left and went over to the closet that was in my room and I pulled out some blankets and pillows for him. I didn't have an extra bed so that meant Jim was going to have to sleep on the couch tonight.

About 5 minutes later I returned and handed Jim the blankets and pillows. I then told him that I was going to go take a shower and that if he was hungry he could help himself to whatever was in the fridge.

Jim's point of view

I laid the blankets out on the couch. I was very hungry because I never got the chance to eat my burger. I wish I had taken it with me. Oh well. I went over to the fridge and pulled out the ham, cheese, bread, and made myself a sandwich. 

After I was done eating I went over to the couch and laid down. I turned on the tv and watched bobs burgers for a while until I was ready to go to sleep. But the whole time I just kept thinking about Dwight. I don't understand still why he would think I would cheat on him. I thought he would have known me better by now but I guess not. All I can do is hope that by tomorrow this situation gets resolved because I miss Dwight. I don't want us to break up because it'll hurt too much to handle. I just hope by tomorrow he understands and comes to his sensing. Let's just hope. I turned off the TV and went to bed.

The next morning arrived and Pam woke me up by pinching my cheek. I groaned and got up. I was so tired.

I grabbed my work clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and I combed my hair. I left the bathroom and that's where I found Pam. She was in the kitchen making breakfast.

" Hey Jim I made waffles for us", she told me.

" I just brushed my teeth", I told her.

" Jim I don't care that you just brushed your teeth. You're eating the waffles because I made them with so much love and care.  And plus I don't want you starving".

" Alright, I'll eat".

I went over to the kitchen and grabbed a plate. I grabbed two waffles and poured a river of syrup on top of them. I grabbed my fork and bit into the waffles.

After  I was done eating I left and went on to work. 

I decided that I was going to make this work. I was going to take Pam's advice and give Dwight a second chance but if he ever decides to take my phone again and starts reading through my messages I'm going to end our relationship. Trust and loyalty are important in a relationship.
I arrive at work and stay in my car. I decided to wait for Dwight to show up for work so I could call him over to me. 

While I waited for Dwight to show up and these different scenarios kept going through my mind. I kept thinking of what would happen when Dwight showed up. For some reason, I was just nervous. 

Finally 10 minutes later Dwight showed up for work. He parked his car and got out of his car. And that's when I exited my car. 

" Dwight", I called out to him.

He turned around and looked at me.

" Dwight we need to talk and can you come over to where I am?", I asked.

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