Chapter 20

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Jim's point of view

When 5 o'clock came me and Dwight got ready to leave. And headed home.

A few hours later I left to pick up Nick from the airport. I couldn't wait to see him.

I get to the airport and text that I'm here. He texts me back and says that he's wearing a red sweater with black pants so that I could find him faster.

I finally saw him and I rolled down the window.

" Nick! Over here!", I called out to him.

He walked over to my car.

" You can just throw your stuff in the backseat. It's so good to see you man", I told him. 

" Haha I know right. We gonna have to party all night long", Nick said as he threw his backpack and duffel bag into the back seat. 

I chuckled.

" So how have you been?", he asked as he climbed into the passenger seat of the car.

" I'm good. Just been working a lot you?"

"Same. I can't wait to meet this boyfriend of yours", Nick began. "why didn't he come?", he asked.

" He stayed home. He had to finish up some stuff but you'll meet him soon", I answered. "Anyways wanna get a couple of pizzas to go?",I asked him.

" Hell yes, Jim. Pizza is the best.  If I could I would marry it." 

I laughed at his comment and said:" maybe you should just marry pizza".

I winked at him and he playfully shoves me.

" Shush Jim. Alright let's go get those delicious pizzas", he said.


I drove out of the airport and onto the highway.

" So Nick are you seeing anyone?",I asked.

" Nah. I mean yeah but we kinda broke up last month. She said it was her not me. But I don't buy that bullshit", he answered.

" Oh, I'm sorry to hear that".

" No, it's alright. I'm kinda glad I'm out of that relationship. But when I meet the right person I'll know. How did you know he was the right one for you?"

" Well first of all. I always had a crush on Dwight ever since the first day I met him", I told him.

"Hmm...Dwight, I like that name. Anyways keep going." 

"But I was just scared to tell him. You know. So instead I hide my feelings from him and I started pranking him every day at work. It annoyed him but seeing him get all angry with me made me laugh. It was the only way I could really get his attention since he likes ignoring me."

" Wow, I can't believe you pranked him. So what did he say when you told him how you felt?", Nick asked.

"It's actually pretty funny. I told him I was in love with him but he didn't believe me because he thought I was pranking him", I said.

" Damn. So when did he start believing you?".

" well, I kept telling him over and over and then on beach day. Uh, my boss took everyone to the beach but anyways I told him once again and yet he still didn't believe me. So I went for it and kissed him. "

" Oh my gosh!", Nick yelled out in excitement. " tell me more Jimmy".

" Well, he pushed me away. And I just felt so humiliated after that. That I ended up apologizing to him", I told him.

" Aww. What happened?", he asked.

" Well he kissed me and that's how it begins. He's so perfect and so sweet. I wouldn't know what to do without him. He's so precious", I said smiling.

Four long years long that's how long it took me to tell him I loved him. I  should have told him a long time ago but I didn't. But it's funny how the universe works. I'm glad he's part of my life now. I wouldn't ever change it.

" Aww, that's so sweet. I definitely can't wait to meet this boyfriend of yours now", Nick said.

I smiled.

We picked up the pizza and headed home. We talked about sports, about our jobs and other little things.

Then we arrived home as I was driving up to the house I saw Mose running past the car and running to the house. I wasn't really sure what to think of that. Mose is strange.

"Who was that running? Was that Dwight?", asked Nick.

I smirked, shook my head and said:" No that's his strange cousin Mose".

Nick looked at me and laughed. " He seems like an interesting guy to meet".

I laughed and said, " Yeah he is". I turned the engine off and the car off and we both got out of the car and made our way to the house. Mose came up to us and looked at Nick.

" Mose this is Nick my best friend from college", I tell him.

Mose doesn't say anything back he just looks at him.

Nick waves his hand at Mose and says" hi".

" Hello", Mose responds since he doesn't trust strangers. He distances himself from Nick and runs inside like a wild monkey who's trying to run away from a hungry pack of wolves.

Nick looks at me and I look back at him and laugh.

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