Chapter 10

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Dwight's point of view

3 hours later,

Dinner is finally served. We all make our way to the table and sit down.  Jan comes out of the kitchen and serves each of us a plate of food. And pours everyone a glass of red wine.
And that's when Jan and Michael started fighting again. 

Michael gets up and leaves. And he comes back with a beer sign and he puts it on the wall for everyone to see. 

Michael sits back down in his chair. And apparently, Jan doesn't like the beer sign like who gives a fuck!? It's Michaels condo too. He should be able to do whatever he wants with it.
Jan gets angry at Michael since he's not listening to her and so she puts on her favorite song which called That One Night which is by her old assistant Hunter. I don't know why but for some reason I find up the song so catchy that all I want to do is get up and start dancing but of course  I'm not going to do that.

" You took me by the hand,
Made me a man,
That one night,
One Night,
You made everything alright..."

Such a catchy song. I swear. 

Then Michael said in a rasped voice, " Jan thinks hunters very talented. You know What? I don't think he's that good".

" At least he's an artist", replies Jan.

And with that, the fighting continued and in the end, Jan threw one of  Michaels dundies at his Tv.  Michael yelled at her and Jan ran off to the bathroom.

And the cops showed up and Michael talked with them for a short while until one of the cops asked him" sir, do you have any other place you could stay? Maybe with one of your friends here?".
And that's when I butted in and said: "Michael can come home with me".

But apparently, Michael didn't want to come home with me because he ended up asking Jim and Pam if he could stay with them.  Pam said no and Jim had to retell him that his apartment was flooded since apparently, he forgot. So he was stuck with me.

" Oh come on your sleeping with me", I told Michael.

"No", he said.

"I'm gonna take you home Michael."


"Come with me".

"Oh alright", he finally said. 

And with that me, Jim, and Michael left. I sat in the back with Michael while Jim drove us home. 

"Dwight wanna stop by burger king and get a burger?", he asked me.

" Yeah sure", I replied.

"Michael want a burger?",Jim asked him.

"No, I'm just going to take a nap in the back. So don't wake me", Michael told us.
"Okay", we both said.

14 minutes later we arrived at burger king. Jim went through the drive-through. I jumped into the passenger seat so that I could be in the front with Jim. Jim ordered the burgers and parked into one of the empty parking lots.

  Jim looked at me and said, "I did something bad?".

"What?", I asked confused.

"I stole this", he said as he pulled out the CD with the one night song on it.

Hell yes", I said.

Jim put the CD in. And once the song started playing, I started singing along with the song and Jim did the same.

"You took me by the hand,
Made me a man,
That one night,
One Night
You made everything alright,
That one night..."

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